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32 Cent Flag Over Porch Unopened Coil of 100 Item # 7959 Blue 1996 Scott 3133

Hi All - First post over here. I usually hang out on the US coin forum. However, I used to collect stamps and came across a box of stamps from 1997 that I had forgotten about. Among other things was a pristine unopened roll of 100 32 cent Flag Over Porch stamps in a blue plastic dispenser, USPS item # 7959. After doing a little research, it seems that what I've got here is an "experimental" coil of 100 linerless self-adhesive stamps that was only available for 6 weeks to 17 select post offices in N. Virginia between March 15, 1997 to April 30, 1997. Scott # 3133. I believe they're called "Blue 1996 V / V Version". I obtained the coil by ordering through the mail from the Philatelic Fulfillment Center in KC. Still have the receipt. Paid all of $32.25.

Big question - anybody know what it might be worth or how I can find out short of listing on ebay? I haven't been able to find any info online as to the coil's value.


"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

~ Vince Lombardi


  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    some good info here:

  • paladinpaladin Posts: 898 ✭✭

    That's where my info came from. Unfortunately, they don't indicate what an unused coil of 100 might be worth, other than the obvious $32.

    "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

    ~ Vince Lombardi
  • If I had them and wanted to sell them I would start with the Scott catalog values. The 2010 issue gives a value of $1.50 each, 3.00 per pair, $7.50 for a strip of five with plate number. Assuming your roll has a least one strip of 5; 47 pairs; and a remaining single stamp, its total is $150.00 in catalog value. We all know the book value is high, so I would cut it to 40%. Then add a 10% premium for an unopened package, giving me a market value of $66.00. The real trick is finding the right person who wants this item for his collection. The catalog doesn't say anything about this being an experimental issue, or that it was limited to a few select post offices. If it were I would have expected to see a higher value listed. Might be worth checking into. The catalog editors may have missed this one.

  • paladinpaladin Posts: 898 ✭✭

    Thanks for your input, Mike. I did find an online reference to an auction sale of 2 sealed coils, one of which is like mine:

    FOP Coil Auction

    Unfortunately, in order to get the selling price, I'd have to pay a daily fee of $29 to the auction listing service for the privilege of searching their database. Since the auction occurred 10 years ago, I'm not sure how much value the selling price would be to a determination of value today.

    "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

    ~ Vince Lombardi
  • ernie11ernie11 Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A coincidence for me, because I have this same 100-stamp coil still unopened, too. Bought it back in the 90's and never opened it at the time.
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