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A rather intersting? article...

This was in my e-mail and I found it rather heart-touching, what does everyone else think?

Through my whole life I have been babied and watched over, just once I wish everyone would cut the cord, no matter how hard I try to show them that I'm not a baby I still get put down and unappreciated over and over. Every request without a 'Thank you' only a 'Now'. I have selective friends because as I should put it a lack of encourgement from my family. Between my family I cannot tell a secreat, because 5 minutes later everyone knows. When I do something good they over look it without a pat on the back. My parent's seem to always have me on a tight leash, but I plan on cutting it. From my clothes to friends all hand picked. It seems my self esteem is at an all-time low because encourgement is a rare ocasion around these parts. As I speak they are gossiping down stairs about one another. Why can't we be a remotely normal family? It lately seems to me that my life is being planned by my parent's and what they say I have to do. Therefore when I pout and debate about it they claim it's that age, well I don't think it is hormones just the lack of trust, or maybe the overwhlmed people around and about all the time that is driving me nuts. For once I wish I could talk to my parents without 4 other people getting involved, it is my life not a courthouse. When at school I think of things that commonly annoys some, and I constantly try to fix it and correct it, but it is always upon my mind. Maybe if a compliment was present once in a while from close parasites this would go a long way. The last compliment I had was from a friend stating: "Wow, your arms are getting very buff," this was over a week ago, I keep thinking to myself why stress and try so hard in school where I put off what matters 'FUN'. Maybe if I were to get in trouble at school doing something I could have a memory for years to come, would this be worth it? I think so because if you don't try new things and have good memories what the hell is life for? What do you think? After all years of schooling and no record, well as the only good advice a rather intersting?, brother gave me: "rules were made to be broken." The last good advice my father gave me was yesterday stating: "How do you know wasps sting hurt? You can't judge things without trying." Was it meant as advice in form of a riddle, or a common saying? This is a sign to follow my heart and do all we can do and be all we can be, because we have such a limited time on this earth why waste it? I'm just saying to make your own decisions, and don't be lonesome forever. Remember as siblings have put it, todays present is tomorrows past. If you get into a tiny trouble just remember time will pass and you had a great time that was worth some scolding. It is quite pequilor that I can easily do this on paper but seems Dr. Jeckle appears when coming to the public. Well there is a cure, 'to be what you want to be no matter the consequences that stand upon your path." Remember that who cares what they think, because will you see the common public ever again? Will the memories stick forever? Well I do not think so. God made people with brains, and speech for them not to be perfect, he wanted to see the outcome of an unperfect person, and he relized that everthing cannot be what you expect, it must be a complete and urterly surprise! Therefore I conclude that life connot be what you expect, it must be as you wish it to be; decephiring your issues and making your world as you want it to be. What would your advice be on this subject? Is it worth fighting in what you have been taught for something you wish you could change about youself, the thing that you think is right?

WOW! I think a fablous article by this kid. What you guyes think? Just though I'd share this with everyone.

Cards & References:
Jasons Players


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