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I need someone who did their own taxes to help with a quick question

What is the address to send federakl returns to, and who do I make my check out to?


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    Didn't ANYONE do their own taxes! I know we have some adults here!!!
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    im trying to find the envelope, i dont know where it went. i will let you know if i find it.
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    There are different locations depending on where you are, suggest you go to www.1040.gov and you will find the answer there

    Good Luck
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    Thanks crane, this is what I get for waiting until there due in like 5 minutes.
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    lol i had to pay over $1500 last year. i actually got money back this year...yeah, the mailing address and check payable should be easy info to find on the web, good luck man.
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    WFFLWFFL Posts: 495 ✭✭✭
    Checks made out to United States Treasury...where depends on what part of country you live. Hope that helps.
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