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Tony Carlotto replies, sent him images of the MS Vermont

ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
Many who know the top books know of Tony Carlottos work on the vermont coppers. It is in a lot of ways a world class research work on the coins. He *is* Mr. Vermont Coppers and has probably seen more, and thought about these more, than anyone out there.

Not having an email, I wrote him a letter (and OMG it was so ..yesterday...ugh, I forgot how to hand write) and gave him my photobucket info for the photo file.

today, a reply,

I got your letter today and checked out the photos. A very nice sharp coin. Probably one of the best wheat stacks I have seen. Also the hair above the brow on the obverse is quite nice. I would love to use the photos at some point. This is the kind of stuff I need for a second edition

...so a good report there on the coin, I plan on taking the train to boston on friday for the C4 extravaganza and will look forward to getting some in hand feedback.


  • Hi Ambro51 image

    Great!! I am following this and the other threads. I did not respond because I do not know EAC as well as some other things. My observations were basically what RR, but like I said, I do not have a context in which to speak. I hope you get some good information and you share it here.

    Best wishes from Eric
  • NewEnglandRaritiesNewEnglandRarities Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey ambro,

    That's fantastic. Tony has seen most of the Vermonts in existence today and has an almost photographic memory of all the coins he has seen. His opinion is top notch and he is considered one of the top experts of Vermonts in the world. I would take is opinion as absolute fact when it comes to VTs. He is a great guy and you will enjoy talking to him. I look forward to seeing you in Boston!
    New England Rarities...Dealer In Colonial Coinage and Americana

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