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The 25th Anniversary "Waiting List" Thread - Sort of...

With clearly so many that appear to be on the waiting list, I became curious to know if anyone was actually ever ON a waiting list for any OTHER Mint coin/set?

If so, I was interested in how many actually DID score a coin or set, having been on that waiting list, and how you were notified?

Are there any particulars you'd care to share for those of us now not-so-firmly-planted on the ASE Waiting List? image

A Truth That's Told With Bad Intent
Beats All The Lies You Can Invent


  • MilesWaitsMilesWaits Posts: 5,379 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have been on wait lists for 2008 Proof Plats, 2008 Buffaloes, and a few other issues from the Mint.

    Ended up getting em' all except for one of the two 2008 Proof Plat Sets.

    Thanks to all of the constantly supportive and insightful members of this, numero uno, forum!

    Have faith. They will come.

    Now riding the swell in PM's and surf.
  • yes
    my ebay items BST transactions/swaps/giveaways with: Tiny, raycyca,mrpaseo, Dollar2007,Whatafind, Boom, packers88, DBSTrader2, 19Lyds, Mar327, pontiacinf, ElmerFusterpuck.
  • ObiwancanoliObiwancanoli Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭
    Miles, was there anything special about the fact you received coins while having BEEN on that aiting list? What I'm wondering is if you received any special notice from the Mint, email, whatever, advising you that your "wait" had paid off?

    A Truth That's Told With Bad Intent
    Beats All The Lies You Can Invent
  • MilesWaitsMilesWaits Posts: 5,379 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I kept checking the order page under tracking and either had the luck of a shipping notice (with an email) or the opposite, another email...

    telling me the order had been cancelled or suspended, Obi.

    Now riding the swell in PM's and surf.

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