I almost hate to revisit this: 25th Anniversary Set ?? and yes I believe it to be correct! Now more

1995-W 10th Anniversay Eagle Proof Set---Really 10th year not 10th anniversary--so the Mint got that one wrong.
2006 20th Anniversary Sets for both Gold and Silver Eagles--21st year and 20th anniversary--I think the Mint got it right that time.
2011 25th Anniversary Silver Eagle Set--26th year and 25th anniversary--right again.
Yet we can see examples of coins from two years labeled as 20th anniversary and 25th anniversary from third party graders.
Now we have the First Strike dilemma!
Lots of issues, no?
Edited for typo
2006 20th Anniversary Sets for both Gold and Silver Eagles--21st year and 20th anniversary--I think the Mint got it right that time.
2011 25th Anniversary Silver Eagle Set--26th year and 25th anniversary--right again.
Yet we can see examples of coins from two years labeled as 20th anniversary and 25th anniversary from third party graders.
Now we have the First Strike dilemma!
Lots of issues, no?
Edited for typo
And I ain't lying this time.
I've given up trying to figure out what PCGS; et al are doing until they post something cast in concrete as to the way it's gonna be.
After that's done, then look at labels. If you're looking to actually have these graded, then First Strike is the way to go, if it's available. Join the zombies, you just leave money on the table--if you ever sell-- if you leave it off.
You can be sure that when someone finally figures out what PCGS is up to with these 25th Anniversary sets, there will be lots of posts here.
I don't claim to have it figured out, but that's my two cents.
At this point, I'll just send the sealed box along with a blank check & order "the works" - just like a pizza.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
~ Vince Lombardi