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New Software - Track&Price Coins Request for Testers

Hi. I am requesting Beta testers for my new Track&Price Coins software.
I have been working on this for over 4 years. I would like to have feedback before releasing to the general public.

The software does 3 main functions.

1. Auction Results

2. Extensive comments concerning Defects and other descriptive data about a coin
The program searches for over 200 different types of defects such as Scratch, Lightly scratched, adjustment marks, blemishes, ding, dent, rim bump, etc.

3. Tracking by Coin Author Attribution. I am tracking by over 30 different coin authors such as Snow, VAM, Overton, etc. You can actually see VAM results for example for a 1886 Morgan or Overton results for early half dollars.

Included in the is an animated Tutorial showing you how to use the program.

There are powerful Sort and Filter capabilities. For example only show Auction Results for an 1824 Half Dollar slabbed by PCGS with a grade of XF-40 or better and sold for over $2000 sold between September 22, 2005 and May 3, 2011.

If you would like to test the software please click on this link


or call me at 239-384-9674

Thanks very much

Sandy Bashover

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