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Found a nicely toned WLH*** Updated with Pics from Todd

About a month ago I asked to see some nicely toned Walkers on the board. I quickly learned that there are nice ones to be found, although not a lot, and to complicate things I would need to pay strong for one. So I started the search, and settled on pay up to a 2.5 premium for the one I really wanted. I identified 3 in the Pittsburgh Heritage auction.

One was a NGC and had a very nice look, the price jumped above my premium. I was willing to go higher,but I would want to cross it and that risk made me pass.

The other 2 are PCGS coins and I was really only after one. But in the heat of the moment I wanted to ensure getting one so I placed my bids to a level I was happy with. Ofcourse I got both, so I now have 2 in my type set.

Here is the first one. The pics are not mine but this looks close. If you look at the blown up pics on Heritage you can see the colors better. There is some purple and a flash of green with this one around the rim where the various shads of brown are. Its pretty darkly toned, however it does not distract from the focal areas of the coins.

This one however, I could tell it had nice colors around the rims, I was totally blown away when it arrived in the mail. Unfortunately you can not see how wonderful it looks in hand. I will update the thread when I can get Todd to take some pics. I might not be able to wait for the fun show on this one.

In hand the coin is almost completely toned in pastel colors. The obverse has yellow and lime green that transitions to a burnt orange and lilac on the rim. The inner part of the obverse has a very nice golden brown color.
The reverse is electric. orange, lime green, yellow that jump out at you around the rim. The whole eagle is covered in a lilac hue with just a few feather thips frosted in a golden yellow hue.

Ok I need to stop typing so my wife doesnt see how sappy I am getting describing this coin.

As I said I was happy with how I thought the coin looked with the blown up pics, but those so so pics probably saved me some money.




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