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When will the letter and phone campaign begin by those that did not get a set

It could be like the puck angst that was directed at Apmex.
Surely, there are victims in this too.image


  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am sure that there will be a round of letters to Coin World.

    I personally believe that it is damaging to the hobby that you have to be retired, off from work, derelict in your job responsibility, or cut class to buy a coin to add to your collection...or buy on the secondary market from someone (in one of the above categories) who participated in the artificial increase in demand the issue at an inflated price. If I were the average collecting Joe, I would find it disgusting.

    If I were the Mint Czar (hey, great idea for a new cabinet position image ), I would make these things in unlimited quantity to order...but be evasive enough about the true quantity to keep up demand.
  • Well, the campaign you speak of won't start in my neck of the woods because I really don't care about these. Or the 09-O thing for that matter.


    Edited to add: However, I did make a quick $10 betting the first thing in that Morgan VAM thread would be a photo of an 09-O.

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