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Is the dollar bill dead?

EagleEyeEagleEye Posts: 7,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
The Dollar Bill: R.I.P.?

It's beginning to look like a perfect storm for the Congress to eliminate the paper dollar and the cent. Maybe they will do it this time.

1st - they would eliminate some debt. (actually, I doubt it would - it would just give more profit to the mint.)

2nd - the inflationary message that is sends makes the current administration look bad. (It may turn out that it is actually a "plus" for the current administration in the next election - it shows that they are willing to make the "tough" decisions.)

I think to really eliminate the paper dollar in favor of the coins, they would have to force the change on us. Not like "Lets go metric.....please?" of the 1970's.

If the cent was eliminated we all must fight Congress to make sure they leave a collectible issue in Proof sets Mint sets and bulk sales. Perhaps they could make the collector issue in bronze again.

Nickels also cost too much to make, so maybe they will be made out of some steel alloy.
Rick Snow, Eagle Eye Rare Coins, Inc.Check out my new web site:


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