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Post one of your recent pickups that you just can't stop thinking about

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,739 ✭✭✭✭✭
In these trying times, at least for me.... a bunch of personal things going on......nuff saidimage
Let's see one of your more recent pickups that you are just in LOVE withimage

For me, since I have been selling a heck of a lot more than buying these past months. I found this one a few weeks back raw at a local coin show.
And to think I almost forgot to go to the show, but my bf reminded meimage

I wasn't even looking for it because I never thought it existed. Yet there it sat under the glass. I got all excited like it was my first dateimage
There it was a toned Feuchtwanger Cent, heart was a pounding I couldn't grab it fast enough out of the dealers hand, he must have thought I was a crazy woman.......ha!! he is partially rightimage

Well most probably have already seen this before but I can't stop thinking about it. I have the image on my computer, Ipad, Iphone.......



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