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Finally found a rather common coin that has eluded me 1878-S DMPL

blu62vetteblu62vette Posts: 11,929 ✭✭✭✭✭
For some reason this has been a hard coin for me to find. I have been looking for a 78-S in DMPL for some time, about 3 years. In that time I have bought about 10 PL's stockpiling for when I found the DMPL and need to sell a couple coins to pay for it. Initially I bought one PL, thinking I could sell it and offset some of the cost on a 63DMPL. Then my stockpile grew to where I could get a 64DMPL but still never saw one. I think I saw one a year ago that was junk. I now have about 4 or 5 PL's. I also have a one sided DMPL that is fantastic. I have a 63PL that I paid more for than the DMPL that I just bought (that coin is amazing) and that was the one coin I paid up for of all I bought. The others were bought for good prices, I have made money on every sale.

I don't know why this date became a focus for me. I would normally be happy with a PL, this year I had to get a DMPL. I have to admit the hunt was fun for this one. It even became my line with some dealers. "What are you looking for" "An 1878-S in DMPL" I knew they wouldn't have it.

So now here is my 1878-S PCGS 63DMPL, I don't think I have ever been so happy with a lateral move in my registry, my 64PL carries the same points. Now that I found one, expect the market to be flooded with them.




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