FSH World coins/tokens/medals $20 and up
Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭✭
Variety of World coins, tokens and medals. Prices include shipping in
the US. Check or money order (sorry no Paypal)
Lot 1 -Belgium-Gilt architectural award medal 1979, 50mm, $20 shipped in an airtite capsule.
Lot 1A-Great Britain-George III 50th year of reign, 1801, BHM #652, heavy 52mm medal in white metal. Reverse dark. $30 shipped.
Lot 2 -Great Britain - Cased award medal, Taylor and Cutter 1903, bronze 32mm, $30 shipped.
Lot 3 -SOLD Great Britain - Burrator Reservoir completed, 1898. British Historical medal #3635, cased, unlisted in copper, 45mm, $45 shipped.
Lot 4 -SOLD Canada-1857 Upper Canada halfpenny token, $45 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 5 -SOLD France/Great Britain - Monneron Freres 2 sols produced by the SOHO mint, copper, 32mm, $45 shipped.
Lot 6 - SOLD France/Great Britain - Monneron Freres 5 sols produced by the SOHO mint, silver plated, 40mm, $50 shipped.
Lot 7 -Dassier medal, King Stephen, copper, 40mm, $45 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 7A-Great Britain-Maundy twopence. Tiny but colorful gem proof. $50 shipped in its long-defunct International Numismatic Grading Service slab.
Lot 8 -Uniface impression in silver of reverse of BHM 1165, Jubilee of the Birth of Sir Walter Scott, 1821, 40mm, $50 shipped (copper medal shown only for reference).
Lot 9 -SOLD Phillipines-Heavy 1965 Marcos inauguration medal, 94mm, $70 shipped.
Lot 10-France-Wiener architectural medal, Hotel de Ville, beautiful bronze,50mm,$75 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 11-SOLD Rome-Denarius of Trajan, 98-118 AD, Laur. Head Rt. Genius stgl l. C.400; RIC-190a, $75 shipped.
Lot 12-Germany-Set (3) of Freiberg Notgeld, 1921, porcelain, in beautiful condition, $85 shipped.
Lot 13-Germany-1817 Famine token/jeton, 33mm, $85 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 14-Great Britain- Alfred Dunhill of London table medal, replica of the Great Seal of George III, 1760, cast, 110mm, $90 shipped in original box with documentation.
Lot 15-SOLD Canada/Great Britain-Dedication of Victoria Bridge, WM, 51mm, brilliant without color (despite the images below), $100 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 15A-Great Britian-1744 Action Off Toulon, 38mm, MI II 584/224, $110 shipped.
Lot 16-Great Britain-Sir George Chetwynd, private halfpenny token, 1842, rare, NGC encapsulated MS65BN, $120 shipped.
Successful BST sales - Thank you, PreTurb, tincup, cone10, timrutnat, TJM965, SeaEagleCoins,
the US. Check or money order (sorry no Paypal)
Lot 1 -Belgium-Gilt architectural award medal 1979, 50mm, $20 shipped in an airtite capsule.
Lot 1A-Great Britain-George III 50th year of reign, 1801, BHM #652, heavy 52mm medal in white metal. Reverse dark. $30 shipped.
Lot 2 -Great Britain - Cased award medal, Taylor and Cutter 1903, bronze 32mm, $30 shipped.
Lot 3 -SOLD Great Britain - Burrator Reservoir completed, 1898. British Historical medal #3635, cased, unlisted in copper, 45mm, $45 shipped.
Lot 4 -SOLD Canada-1857 Upper Canada halfpenny token, $45 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 5 -SOLD France/Great Britain - Monneron Freres 2 sols produced by the SOHO mint, copper, 32mm, $45 shipped.
Lot 6 - SOLD France/Great Britain - Monneron Freres 5 sols produced by the SOHO mint, silver plated, 40mm, $50 shipped.
Lot 7 -Dassier medal, King Stephen, copper, 40mm, $45 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 7A-Great Britain-Maundy twopence. Tiny but colorful gem proof. $50 shipped in its long-defunct International Numismatic Grading Service slab.
Lot 8 -Uniface impression in silver of reverse of BHM 1165, Jubilee of the Birth of Sir Walter Scott, 1821, 40mm, $50 shipped (copper medal shown only for reference).
Lot 9 -SOLD Phillipines-Heavy 1965 Marcos inauguration medal, 94mm, $70 shipped.
Lot 10-France-Wiener architectural medal, Hotel de Ville, beautiful bronze,50mm,$75 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 11-SOLD Rome-Denarius of Trajan, 98-118 AD, Laur. Head Rt. Genius stgl l. C.400; RIC-190a, $75 shipped.
Lot 12-Germany-Set (3) of Freiberg Notgeld, 1921, porcelain, in beautiful condition, $85 shipped.
Lot 13-Germany-1817 Famine token/jeton, 33mm, $85 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 14-Great Britain- Alfred Dunhill of London table medal, replica of the Great Seal of George III, 1760, cast, 110mm, $90 shipped in original box with documentation.
Lot 15-SOLD Canada/Great Britain-Dedication of Victoria Bridge, WM, 51mm, brilliant without color (despite the images below), $100 shipped in an airtite.
Lot 15A-Great Britian-1744 Action Off Toulon, 38mm, MI II 584/224, $110 shipped.
Lot 16-Great Britain-Sir George Chetwynd, private halfpenny token, 1842, rare, NGC encapsulated MS65BN, $120 shipped.
Successful BST sales - Thank you, PreTurb, tincup, cone10, timrutnat, TJM965, SeaEagleCoins,
British Historical Medals https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOBxKspf6DVpvjgXptTKSr_tZcyeWIRJRBX7ZklmSP59IKhtiAkgF2NB0-Vxyhz1w?key=OGdSRXJtZWdsb2VodmNEdWJ4VF9jY01YdmJtRTlB
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n