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Prior to TPG's giving Cameo/DCAM designations on proofs did they bump a coin's grade if it was a Cam

SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,203 ✭✭✭✭✭
I am looking at a 1956 PF68 Franklin half graded by our host. To my understanding it was slabbed before the Cameo or DCAM designation was adopted. The coin has very heavy frost on the obverse and reverse devices. The fields are unblemished and are mirrored (though not deep, black watery mirrors).

To my eyes the coin should be a lock Cameo, but maybe not a PF68 (since the fields are not deep, black and watery).

Thus my question. Prior to the adoption of Cameo/DCAM designations did proofs received grade bumps if they had Cameo/DCAM frost and mirrors?

Further, if I send in the 1956 PF68 half for a designation review (in the hopes of getting a Cameo designation) is it guaranteed that the coin will come back with a PF68 grade, or can our host reduce the grade (say drop it to PF67 and give it a CAM designation) as part of the designation review process?


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