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Dino-Lite New Software Download

My Dino wasn't working properly. The program would load but it would take a long time to boot-up and when it finally did start no images would show, just a black screen.
I was sure I needed to send it in for repair and contacted customer support to get the required RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization). The support person was awsome and said "lets try a few things first", ID'ed the problem as a corrupted Driver and walked me through the steps to make the fix to the original software.

I thanked her and mentioned my old desktop did not have a DVD (the software comes on a DVD) so I was limited to useing my Dino AM411T on my lap top.
She then directed me to the site which has an updated version of the software and also soved that issue for me..

The new software is very different than that which came with my 2 year old and after using it for a bit I've come to like it better.

If you ever have like issues with yours, you may want to give it a try.

Download drivers and software Link

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