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Do you ever go public with your collecting (even with an insular group) or is it too risky?



  • A few coworkers know I collect. I have a SDB for most of my collection. I keep a few Whitman albums and folders at home - pennies, 20th century type coins, statehood quarters. Maybe $400 value. The more expensive stuff goes in the box.
    Liberty . . . In God We Trust . . . not just words - A way of life
  • LotsoLuckLotsoLuck Posts: 3,786 ✭✭✭
    I use to put on the Dead Kennedys Fresh fruit for Rotting Vegetables album when I wanted guests to leave, now I just bring out coins and/or talk about them, works better then the album did.
  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've always believed that potential thieves are those with knowledge of your habits and holdings.

    I am more cautious of those that know mine. Strangers, not so much.
    Have a nice day

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