Coin Security

one off duty navy seal aught to do it. They
wont even need guns. Just arms, legs, teeth
guts and training.That kind of person riding
shotgun would make me feel safer, then a pack
of half wolf half malamutes acknowledging me ,as
the pack leader.
wont even need guns. Just arms, legs, teeth
guts and training.That kind of person riding
shotgun would make me feel safer, then a pack
of half wolf half malamutes acknowledging me ,as
the pack leader.
There once was a place called

I was packing. I was especially alert when entering and leaving parking
structure on foot. Ofter, the flashing of the gun is all that is required to
prevent a problem. A .357 Mag revolver, is a rather awesome sight indeed. My
collection is now being held by a major coin dealer for security and possible sale
of a few coins, as may be required for me and Mrs Bear.
You will notice that I did not state if the gun was loaded. I usually went to a show
much like Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife going out on a case. One gun in holster, bullets
in shirt pocket. Of course, if Marshall Matt Bear is available from Coinsmoke, then all
of my problems would be solved.