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1839 with a crack at (G102 & F104, 104a)

A board member asked me about this coin, he purchased a very nice example. This is my opinion on the coin (and just MY opinion)

I have at least 15 of them from all die states. Unc coins of course hard to find but finding someone to pay a premium is harder.

If you want a rare coin, try and fine a 1855 rotated reverse dime. I found 1, it is the book plate coin is a VF and my UNC. I have never seen or heard of but of one another. It too is listed as a R6, it is a R7- R7+ in my opinion. It was not listed in Greer.

This 1839 is a R4+ in my opinion. Listed a scarce by Greer and I agree with him. I also agree Fortin was correct to add the later die state as a sub variety.
I seldom check PM's but do check emails often jason@seated.org

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