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State Quarters $25.00 US mint bags

I'm new to the forum, but have checked out the conversation on it quite often. As most of you know the US Mint started selling state quarters in $25.00 mint bags in 1999. My question is when the mint puts the wrong label on these bags , do they just print the correct state on a self-adhesive strip and stick it on the incorrect label? I have been told that mint print another label with the correct state on it and sews in on top of the incorrect label, thus having a double switch on the corrected bag. The reason I'm asking is I bought a $25.00 mint bag on ebay which was originally labeled a Kentucky mint bag, but had a self-adhesive sticker saying it was Pennsylvania quarters. It was still sewed shut and appeared to be an orginial bag from the mint. My concern is since the mint bag for Pennsylvania was minted in 1999 and Kentucky was minted in 2001, how could this happen. Guess what, I opened the mint bag to search the coins and they were Pennsylvania quarters. How could one know what was really in this mint bag for sure. Anyway some of the quarters look like they have been in circulation by the edges and I think I'm going to send some to PCGS to find out for sure. Thanks for looking.


  • welcome to the forum!!
    Dont I repeat Dont send any of them to pcgs it aint worth it.
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  • I dont know the answer to your question , but im very curious as to what you are searching for in Pennsylvania Quarters ? The coin rims are probably damage just from being in the bag.
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,385 ✭✭✭✭✭
    take them to a local dealer and ask if they look circulated.

    maybe someone pulled a switch on you.

    I have heard of the mint re-using old product packaging, but the new year used the old year's stuff.... I've not heard of the other way around.

    It all sounds very suspicious.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • 1tommy1tommy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forum image All the mint bags I have gotten have had the right label on the right bag sewn shut. Would be nice to maybe see a picture of the labels? Never heard of double labels, but maybe someone else has. Enjoy image
    I used to be famous now I just collect coins.

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  • First Post, Sweet! Welcome! I wish I knew that answer to your mystery, perhaps the bag was just reused and the coins are not from the mint.
    Winner of the "You Suck!" award March 17, 2010 by LanLord, doh, 123cents and Bear.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would need to see the way it was sewn and such. I have had more than a few of the bags and none were like you mentioned. Lends me to believe someone got it, originally, removed the KY quarters (premium on those) and stuck in circulated PA quarters and then sold it.

    Would also want to see some of the quarters that were in there as what you think may be circulated may just be bag toning (which is crusty like toning on a lot of these)

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,491 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>take them to a local dealer and ask if they look circulated.

    maybe someone pulled a switch on you.

    I have heard of the mint re-using old product packaging, but the new year used the old year's stuff.... I've not heard of the other way around.

    It all sounds very suspicious. >>

    It sounds to me like someone got shafted since as far as I know, there's no way a Pennsylvania label would have gotten sewn onto a CAN-TUCK-EE mint bag. Especially being 3 years apart.

    Also, the boxes these were shipped in didn't state what they were. They only listed the Product Code and if a list of codes was not kept, it was very easy to lose track of what was what.

    It's possible that your seller bought a box that was incorrectly listed as Kentucky and received a Pennsylvania box by accident since the Pennsylvania Bags have a much higher value than Kentucky. When they opened the box and saw it was labeled Pennsylvania, they believed that it really was a Kentucky with a Pennsylvania label and simply pasted a Kentucky label over the Pennsylvania label.

    The State Quarters program attracted a lot of newbies and IMO, this is something a newbie would do.

    At any rate, you didn't get what you paid for but instead got a better value IMO. I'd have left it sealed and resold it.

    When I purchased my Pennsylvania Bag, most of the coins were ...... uh ..........less than desireable and truth be told, anything that grades less than MS67 won;t sell for even the grading fee's.

    If you can, post good, clear pictures of those you want to send in so you can get some good advicwe on whether or not to pursue professional grading.

    And Welcome to the Fray.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • Here is some pictures of the mint bag in question.

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