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Annual "how to post links" primer

derrybderryb Posts: 37,061 ✭✭✭✭✭
1. copy URL link you want your link to go to

2. open up window to make your post or your reply

3. put curser where you want link

4. click "http" or "https" button at top of your reply/post (see Note)

5. pop up window opens. paste URL over "http/https" and click OK

6. Pop up closes, another one opens where you type in the text you want to appear in the post for your link such as "Linky 1"

7. Click OK. URL is now in your post. If you need to move it within the post cut it and paste it where you want it.

Note: Choice of http/https button depends on the what the actual URL begins with. when you click on http/https button you may get a drop down message "click here to allow scripted windows" (has something to do with your security settings in windows). No problem. Just click on that drop down message and click on "temporarily allow scripted windows." Then click on the http button again and it will allow you to proceed. Happens to me every time, but I'd rather not change my security settings.

There is a "testing" forum here where you can practice this and posting pictures all day long.

Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL

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