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Virtual NFL trading cards

Well this is how I really got interested in opening packs and collecting cards. EA Sports make a Xbox and Playstation game called Madden NFL, which has a game mode included on it which is all about opening packs and collecting cards. Its totally addictive and I would reccomend anyone try it, its soo much fun and the best part of it all IMO is being able to play with you team against anyone else in the world.

Its kinda complicated, but basically they want you to spend real money to buy in game credits which you then use to purchase packs or you can purchase individuale cards off the live Auction house or trade anything on the trade block.

As well as this they also have collections, basically you collcet the whole packers team and there will be a reward at the end.

Weve managed to find ways to enjoy this game for free without spending any real money, anyways this year they have included some legendary players in the game such as

-B sanders
-D SAnders
- L Taylor
- R Woodson

Last year some of the cards starting fetching big prices on Ebay, these were the very rare numbered cards, anyways just out of intreed some of the cards have already hit ebay

Im alraedy sitting on the rarest cards this version of Deion Sanders :


Here is the Lawrence Taylor :

Rod woodson :


and heres REvis :

BAsically I havnt spent a cent on this game and I have all the best cards, Im not sure if anyone is interested but if you are I can help yuo out, donate you some ingame currency(coin) and some cards to get you going as well as being able to show u how to start making currency...

Anyways just thought id share this...

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