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This Sucks...

I have to work late on a Friday night, usually get off at 4, didn't get off until 7. I brought my gear with me for my game, play my game, and wham, get called back to work at 830. I am still here. There goes my Friday night....


  • Call your gf or a bud have them phone in a bomb threat that'll get ya' outta thereimage
    My Site Basketball Onlyimage
  • samsgirl214samsgirl214 Posts: 2,074 ✭✭
    man, i hope no one checks the history on your computer after that last reply! lol
  • I work on a Military base....that wouldn't be cool...lol

  • no doubt, right
  • Yeeeowch...Bad ideaimage....Plan B have your gf or a bud call and say a Democrat was just voted back into office and they've ordered the Military instalation closed immediately...No one would doubt itimage
    My Site Basketball Onlyimage
  • samsgirl214samsgirl214 Posts: 2,074 ✭✭
    i would say not! lol at least you get to play while working. i work for the state and get to play at work sometimes too! gotta love those state and gov jobs!!..how long you been in the military?
  • I was AF for 5 years, but got out in 99 in search of the almighty dollar. (found it)

    I work in the telecommunications field.
  • samsgirl214samsgirl214 Posts: 2,074 ✭✭
    SWEET!....i think i am bored tonight...no ones cards look interesting tonight...lol...what kind of cards you usually look for? as for me i like game used in football and baseball or rc's of older players.
  • I am a Clone..Basically whoever is hot is who collect...I used to collect all sports except Golf and Hockey, but now I stick to basketball only. I like Miles, Kobe, Carter, Iverson, Brand, and Parker. ( I live in san Antonio)
    I do Like Older Baseball RCs...anything from 1980 to today I would trade for or buy...Baseball will always be my favorite sport, but for some reason I have much better luck collecting basketball.
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