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LCS report

DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,426 ✭✭✭✭✭
Went to my guy yesterday, North Metro Gold & Coin. Walked in and 2 sisters were selling a big set of their mom's silverware. 10k retail new/now they said, they got some % of melt - heard a couple grand, no clue exactly what that was, 80-85~% maybe...?

He re-flipped all his old gold coins again with no prices on them this time. Too much up/down he said to keep stickering prices on it or scribbling on the flips.

Chatted for a bit, said nobody was in buying this week on the down. Odd we both thought.

1/10 AGEs. He had a few in and some 1/4s. Wanted $190 for the 1/10ths, didn't ask on the 1/4s but he's usually melt +$10 on those as well. If I had known that beforehand that he had some fractionals in there I would have dipped some extra cash out and bought what he had. Alas, I had some slots winnings in hand and that's what I was going to spend.

Picked up some SLQs for my roll-building for 30x, wasn't going to squabble on a quarter a piece when I was only getting 8. His 90% case though was FULL. And I mean spilling over on itself. Hadn't seen that much in there ever, he said he had been buying a lot the past week, obviously. Folks needing the cash he said, coming in an selling collections/rolls/silverware/etc.

Had some pcgs ms69 ASEs, wanted $55/per. Same stack I saw last time I was in there, I don't think those will move. These were 'first strike' labels mind you.image Asked if he had any raw, he hasn't in a while but he did now. Somebody brought in a stack of Littleton holder ASEs, about 10, I can only imagine the sucker-age those might have been part of to somebody on their plans. I mentioned that, we both chuckled. Pass as he had 3 in airtights as well for spot+$4. Snagged those as I didn't want to have anything Littleton in my truck. Had 3 generic 10oz bars in there, I didn't ask but last time the ones he had were asking spot +$2/oz. I imagine the same.

That was it. Pics later in the porn thread when I can get in the studio with the camera tonight.


  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,206 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Please keep your purchases to the absolute minimum. image

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,270 ✭✭✭

    Those 1/10's sounded like a good deal. He might have done a touch better if you bought a good many of them....??? would've been even better.

    Was he asking 30X on all his 90%?

    @ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work.
    Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
  • DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,426 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah 30x on all the junk 90 at $40 spot basically. Would have been better getting more Frankies but I'm done this year on my rolls of halves and had to OCD the slq roll a bit. I might go get the fractionals actually, thought that was a good price/premium on the 1/10s. Although I have gotten them at melt before when I was spending over $400 or swapping for silver.

    And Derryb it's the 10oz+ purchases I make that swing us down!
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