Off Topic but This Deserves a Thread For Sure.
Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
The Pictures Below are Items My Wife and My Self received Through the Mail as a Gift from a Mercury Dime Registry Participant. He told Me at the First of the Week He was Sending a Little Something My Direction. When I Opened the Package it Took About 3 hours before I got up Off From the Floor.
Cameron Kiefer
Those are a Pair of Solid Silver Salt and Pepper Shakers of which My Wife has Collected since we have been Married. Way Cool I Thought.
I just goes to show the quality of the Merc collectors. You never know when an act of random kindness will occur. I am very impressed with the beautiful toning... ooh, I am sliding over the edge towards the I love toning side... ooops.
BTW, our little band of collectors keeps growing, the registry is now in the upper 40s in a short time.
this is so grand in my books, as one person, with all the griping going on, this is a welcome relief!
From one TEXAN to another, you are ture to heart! I am in the Dallas area if you ever stray this way, we will ALL hook up! Good job!
My Dimes
<< If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
You are right this deserved a thread.
Al you are the man. Great job.
It is things like this that make the Merc folks here a special group.
We kid around with each other and have fun.
I am happy and proud to be a small part of this fine group.
now If I stoped sliding down the ladder that would be great lol.
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To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson