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1986 Panini Mike Tyson ended early on EBAY goes for $500....

1986 Panini Mike Tyson on EBAY

I was bidding on this nice Mike Tyson from the seller from Cyprus that has had the hoard of raw Tyson's.

He had to end the auction early as he got an offer he could not refuse. $500!!

This one looks very strong but looks like it won't be a 10 because of the lower left corner.

I do not believe a raw Tyson has ever sold for this much.


  • Big80sBig80s Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭
    That is impressive!
    Let's Rip It: PackGeek.com
  • hammeredhammered Posts: 2,671 ✭✭✭
    How many more Tyson's is this guy sitting on?
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He said he would be listing another one soon.

    His supply is certainly not what it was as it has been a few weeks since he listed one and had been pumping them out like crazy.

    This is the seller where I have bought all of my high grade copies both raw and in the packs.

    He is excellent to deal with.
  • Something fishy going on here I would think, no way that is worth $500, private listings also, and with more raw cards from the seller comeing only helps u both selling your cards.
  • I bought a watch at a pawn shop once in Vegas about 12 years ago. The pawn shop owner said it was owned by Tyson, but obviously I didn't believe him; I just bought it because it was a nice watch. Later on I spotted an old magazine photo of Tyson and he was actually wearing the watch. You have any idea what something like this would go for? The watch itself is about a $2500 watch, but I would think the provenance that Tyson owned it would add a premium.
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Simon there is nothing fishy here. Every listing this seller does is private. I have spent $1,250 with him and gotten all of my items in a timely manner all the way from Cyrpus just outside of Greece. I also did two off EBAY buys from him early on when he started just selling with no trouble.

    The only time a PSA 9 sold it went for $407 and I my guess is a buyer saw how nice this was and made a strong offer.

    If mint copies of the second year Panini can sell for $200 I see no reason a mint copy of the rookie should not be a $500 card. While I think it is a little much to pay that for a raw copy, if indeed it were to be graded a PSA 9 the buyer esentially just paid full price.

  • I understand what u saying here, but looking at that card which supposely went for $500, and the mint copy u have for sale right now I don't understand why he would not go for yours? $500 is alot to gamble on a card with a bad picture. But helps u.....?????
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My card is really only up there at that price as an advertisement in all honesty. I realize at this time it is not a $1999.95 card but at some point if more mint copies don't surface perhaps it is.

    The card in that PSA 9 holder came from the seller in Cyprus.

    I was hoping to use it as a top of the range situation that would hopefully increase the sales price of other copies.

    Perhaps in this case it worked and the seller in Cyprus reaped the reward.

    I do have a vested interest in this card at this time as I have 4 of the 5 PSA 9 copies and 9 other copies including a PSA 8.

    I have only sold one and it was a PSA 6 for $230 about a month ago and have no interest in selling any unless it is a very high price as I think this card is under owned and still has great price potential.
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    Hey DPeck, please start a new thread anytime a card you want to see increase in value sells, what is this like the 3rd Tyson post and 5th Andre the Giant?
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Vlad I think I will start a new thread for every new post I make.

    If you don't like what I have to say simply ignore it.
  • I knew something shaddy was going on....that Tyson has now bein re listed by the seller starting at $500
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not the same one, look at the centering. He is running out of them.

    I have bought 6 from him.

  • I think Dpeck is single-handidly maintaining the Greek economy right now with these purchases.

    God help us once this dude in Cypress runs out of Tyson cards. The European union will crumble, followed by the world economy completely melting down.
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    Let them eat spanakopita!
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Brian I think the reason this dude started selling so much stuff must be becuase there economy is in such bad shape. He has a huge selection of Panini items and just started throwing them up constantly.

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