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Looking for any "new" Kobe's...

LMK what you got...thanks image


  • i have 00-01 vic. ult. fly2k ibsert #ered to 350 bv is 30 im looking for any jrich cards
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    I have already traded away my J-Rich stuff...sorry bro...
  • ok lmk if you get any jrich
  • LMK if you get any CHEAP GU or autos. I have that $6 Good Looks and the Fleer Authentix base card (I believe $4). If I get another Kobe, I'd do those 3 for that Mihm's GU card, or whatever.
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    I'll let you know if I get any J-Rich's...

    co1lector - That's cool. I'm still willing to trade the Mihm. Just find one more Kobe for me and we'll call it a deal. Thanks image
  • hey, i have a new topps chrome refractor kobe and a new chrome mad game
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    bv's? lmk image
  • im not to sure about the mad game cause its not in the beckett but the refractor is $40 i heard that the mad game is twenty but its anyones guess
    PS a hve a huge collection of kobe and i am looking for GU of basketball
  • Derrick, don't even think about it. That Mihm's is mine image


    If you guys work out a deal with that, that's fine. We haven't agreed officially on the trade, so technically it's still available.

    Btw, I don't think Derrick has any other GU if I'm not mistaking.
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
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