a couple of Conder Tokens issued by Thomas Spence

I purchased these Conder Tokens recently, one at the ANA show and one the following week.
Tokens of this Middlesex, Spence's DH 685a are not rare. They are considered 'fairly common.'
Edge reads: <b>SPENCE ✻ DEALER ✻ IN ✻ COINS ✻ LONDON ✻</b>
Thomas Spence was a radical philosopher, author and publisher.
He was also a coin dealer and issued many satirical Conder Tokens.
This token remains in uncirculated condition, after more than 200 years,
in the custody of collectors and dealers.
Engraver was Charles James, London.
Both were issued by Thomas Spence, a radical philosopher and propagandist who supported the French Revolution.
He spent time in prison in 1794 for publishing and selling Thomas Paine's Rights of Man.


I have collected U.S coins for many years, and then Civil War Tokens, but am now actively building a collection of 18th Century Conder Tokens, the coins that made the Industrial Revolution a whopping success. : )
I would love to see your lighting setup! It appears that the one at 10 o'clock is more direct and closer, whereas the one at 2 o'clock is further away? Hmmm.
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
Interesting backwards "4" on the first.
I thought only the French did that.