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Card Sellers: Email App Can Help Bring Buyers To Your Own Sites

Card Sellers: Email App Can Help Bring Buyers To Your Own Sites

With EBAY continuing to limit the ways that sellers can snake buyers
off of the site, this email app might offer a little relief.

The basic scheme is free. They have premium packs, but the free one
is prolly fine for most folks.

The app installs a pretty little sig-box to all of the emails you select. The
box can contain ALL of your FB/TWT/etc links that you designate. There
is even a link back to your EBAY items; tho, I am not sure why that one
would be popular. You choose what links you wanna have in each email;
you can also set a default.

Once you get a sale - or have other contact with an EBAYer - you can
reply in your email and attach the convenient footer to your messages.

A two-minute tour is at the link.



Update On My "Social Media" Trials:

Well, it drives TONS of traffic to your site; even EBAY listings.

It generates FEW sales, unless your list of followers/fans is
HIGHLY targeted.

I have not figured out what "critical mass" on the number of
feeds you need to be "broadcasting" to is, but it's gotta be
way over 1000 or I would already be rich.

(REMEMBER: In theory, critical mass could be quite low, since
you are relying on the first reader of your feed to "share" it
or "retweet" it. It's a math thing that, in theory, could result
in hundreds/thousands of folks who are NOT "connected" to
your feeds STILL seeing your posts. On Facebook, you gotta
encourage folks to hit the "share" button. On Twitter your gotta
get 'em to Re-Tweet your post.)

Targeted lists can be bought, but the reputable ones are pricey.
The ones on EBAY won't do the trick for you. Most small ad
agencies and promoters have programs for little sellers, and
their prices seem reasonable; if you can find a reputable one,
it could be worth a try.

I won't be giving up the efforts, but they are getting a little bit
labor intensive. (I feel like the girl in the TV commerical who
says she has 600 Facebook "friends," and that her parents
don't know what modern life is all about.)

For just attracting raw traffic to your EBAY listings or other sites,
hiring a Tweeter or a Facebooker to shotgun your listings is likely
just as effective as trying to do it yourself. And, the prices are
very low; a good campaign can be had for $20 a month or less.
A targeted campaign will cost more AND I have some doubts
about just how "targeted" some of the lists really are.

I admit that it is fun to watch a previously lonely listing get 100
views in a few hours, even tho the item doesn't sell. But.......

I wish I had more encouraging news, but I don't. Even so, if
you have not tried "social media," you prolly should. And, the
celebrities are always fun to chat up, too.


For those who missed the news, you can now load your entire
EBAY store onto Facebook.

Your Facebook-addicted "friends" don't have to leave the site
to browse your store. And, you can send individual items on
your "newsfeed" as often as you want to. NO CHARGE for
this excellent feature.

Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.


  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,598 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Interesting info - Thanks as always.

    and I would say if the items aren't selling, then ya need to do something new or different...perhaps the pricing is too high, or the graphics are too muddled or other problems. Selling on the internet like that is similar to impulse buying in that a potential customer is going to make a very quick decision about the website...if it looks like spam or flashy link garbage, it's gonna get clicked off quick, especially with potential adware or malware out there from some websites. I'd say have a nice bold, good looking, easy to read headline, and then hopefully and probably the potential customer will read on as to what the website can offer the potential buyer. Of course there's more which can and should be done as well in order for the website to be successful, but at least that gets the potential customer in the store.
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