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Babe Ruth Fossil

Discussing how kids think of early 70's era players led me to a thought. When I was a kid, in say 1975 - I thought Babe Ruth was a seriously old time dude - felt like he was from a whole different planet. At that time, it was 40 years ago. Now, 40 years ago was 1971 - do kids think of Erine Banks the same way? Is the disconnect because modern day advances took a bigger leap from 1935 to 1975 than is more noticeable from the early 70's to now?
Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com


  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,598 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Einstein did a study on this...it was called the Theory of Player Relativity.
  • Who is Ernie Banks?

  • thekid8thekid8 Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭
    Took my son to Cooperstown in 2007 and before the trip I told him he could pick out 1 Hall of Famer and we would get his auto -- he chose Bob Feller -- when I asked him why because he said "he was real old" -- when spoken by a 7 year old this means: Wow how cool is it that he was around to play with all those greats.

    Gary Carter Fans check out www.thekid8.com

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