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Stupid Expectations... Poppage Impatience!

Been a CC member for the past two years, recent membership expired at the end of last month!

So I put one last sub in before it expired, 3-4 weeks before the National... expecting normal poppage times I've become accustomed to as a CC member.

I sub almost exclusively modern... and this past 25 card sub was even more modern than usual (almost exclusively 2002-2011)

This is my 10th CC Special (the 25 or 50 card min type) submission in 24 months (approx 45 business day turnaround)... my previous 9 subs popped and shipped in 8, 13, 8, 20, 2, 22, 13, 16 & 21 calendar days!!!

Here I sit on calendar day #48 (35th Business Day) and no poppage yet! No poppage in the 3+ weeks they had the cards before the National... and nothing in the almost 3 weeks since. Could all the National subs have slowed them down even more?

I'd love to renew my membership PSA, but first I'm going to need to spend a little money to replace the worn out mouses on my home and work PCs from checking my sub 1,267 times a day for the past 6 weeks image

Just wanted to rant (at least it makes me feel better... as I continue to wait)

Happy Monday!!!


  • alifaxwa2alifaxwa2 Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭
    +1 for impatience. I have a PSADNA sub thats only been 17 business days and i have checked literally 20 times today already. I have a BGS sub due to pop today (they actually keep deadlines) and I have been checking for PopReport changes a few times today already.
    Looking to have some custom cuts or plain custom cards built? PM me.


    Check out my Facebook page
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They are normally fast with PRe 1975 stuff. Like 10 days on average. But I have a tall boy sub there right now and its been there sense july. 8th .. Tall boys seem to get put in the back of the stack it seems at PSA.
    Been that every time with my tall boys

  • Mickey71Mickey71 Posts: 4,259 ✭✭✭✭
    TALL BOYS can go the distance....45 days+. They are the slowest by far.
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Well, labor day has come and passed... now on to day 57 (Business Day #40)... nearly three times longer than I've ever waited in the past 2+ years... on what I'd consider one of the lowest cost, easiest to grade submissions I've ever made on a 25 or more minimum submission!

    Maybe today??? Fingers crossed!!!
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I shipped my "Re-up 15" sub last Wednesday. While I realize they probably didn't even open the box yet, and it was a holiday weekend, I've STILL checked the status about a dozen times over the weekend. I have a problem.
  • kwtozkwtoz Posts: 352 ✭✭

    << <i>I shipped my "Re-up 15" sub last Wednesday. While I realize they probably didn't even open the box yet, and it was a holiday weekend, I've STILL checked the status about a dozen times over the weekend. I have a problem. >>

    A Wednesday shipment should have made it to Californnia about Saturday. Today is the first business day since then, so as long as your wrote "Membership Renewal" or the eqilvalent on the package, it should be opened today.

    My renewal was entered into the system the same day it arrive. Poppage was three days later
    Kevin Thomas
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tall boys poped on friday for me. Longest sub ive had in years.
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Tall boys poped on friday for me. Longest sub ive had in years. >>

    Thanks for the update... mine is mostly modern football (2004-2010), with a few baseball in the mix. Logged on July 12, so hopefully mine will be just a few days behind your poppage... although, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for today (nothing yet though)!
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    what about now?
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>what about now? >>

    LOL... went to the Cardinals/Brewers game last night, check when I got home... NADA!

    (Secretly wonders if I would have renewed my membership when it expired... if I would have had poppage weeks ago)
  • fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭
    I just sent in a bulk submission about a week ago that I had made a mistake on and was told by one of the gals at PSA that Subs are running behind right now. However it was recieved within 2 or 3 days.
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Business Day #41 in the books... still no poppage imageimageimageimage
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Come on 10s!!
  • Bear48Bear48 Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    I submitted 22 cards to PSA/DNA 32 days ago ... waiting patiently.image
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Come on business day #42!!! My Packers are on tonight & half my sub are A-Rod cards for my registry sets... hoping for all 10's!

    GO PACK GO!!!
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Okay... Packers win... but sub don't pop!

    Let's go Business Day #43, let's be the day!!!
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Here we go PSA... Here We Go!!!

    Figure if I cheer them on... maybe that'll help get me some poppage... now on business day #44 (Calendar Day 63, ouch)!
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Business Day #44 is now closed... and still no poppage!

    This waiting game has been kind of fun, at least to personally poke fun at it... but now it's actually starting to piss me off.
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh man. That is tough!
  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭

    << <i>TALL BOYS can go the distance....45 days+. They are the slowest by far. >>

    When I submitted 25 1964 Topps hockey tall boys they popped in 7 days.
    I don't think there is any point trying to specify certain cards take longer.
    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You're right .
    But I have never had that luck with my tall boys.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    "Your order is still being processed."

    I see this line in my sleep...
  • My last 8 submissions for the 45 business day special took the following time in calendar days from loggage:

    (1) 41 days (sent in 2-3 weeks before National)
    (2) 58 days
    (3) 77 days
    (4) 63 days
    (5) 62 days
    (6) 32 days
    (7) 62 days
    (8) 71 days

    One of these submissions took even longer because it took nearly 2 weeks for loggage because I accidentally put PSA/DNA on the package instead of PSA, and did not put a service level on the outside of the package. (I had a higher service level in addition to the 45 day one in the same package.)

    Tall boys or submissions with thicker game used cards typically do take longer.

    After my 32 calendar day turnaround, for my next submission, I called PSA and asked why it was taking so long b/c my last one was pretty fast. The response was that I got lucky.

    Generally, I've been told that if the submission has common cards that are mostly of the same issue, it will be faster. However, if you have some rare cards in your submission where they have to do research for it, it will typically take longer. If you have a bunch of different types of years/manufacturers, it will typically take longer. Finally, if you send your submission in when PSA is having a super special where everyone else is also sending in their submissions, it can get really bogged down. Therefore, sending in a submission during/immediately after National will almost surely slow down your submission.

    I would probably plan on 50 business days for your submission so you don't get too frustrated. I sent in a Super Express (2 business day) submission last week for a single card. Unbelievably, the submission was logged the same day it arrived at PSA. However, it did take 3 business days (instead of 2) for poppage, so even that was a bit slow. I ended up getting a N9: Not Graded for my trouble, but PSA customer service was at least nice enough to get an explanation for this when I called in. (Card was too fragile to holder as I was dreading. PSA really needs to be able to encapsulate cards inside a thin sleeve like Beckett does to prevent this.)
  • hammeredhammered Posts: 2,671 ✭✭✭

    << <i>My last 8 submissions for the 45 business day special took the following time in calendar days from loggage:

    (1) 41 days (sent in 2-3 weeks before National)
    (2) 58 days
    (3) 77 days
    (4) 63 days
    (5) 62 days
    (6) 32 days
    (7) 62 days
    (8) 71 days


    Those are brutal turnaround times
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm on business day number SIX for my renew sub! Can I get any sympathy over here?? image
  • cpamikecpamike Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭
    Jeff, I'd say we need to get you to rehab, but I know it will just be a waste of time.

    I can only imagine what you go through when the submission is past due. Actually, I probably can so go ahead and hit the button again. image

    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep."

    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

    Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I have the sub's status page linked to my bookmark toolbar at the top of my browser, and also bookmarked in my Droid, so I can even check it on the toilet and at red lights. lol
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>My last 8 submissions for the 45 business day special took the following time in calendar days from loggage:

    (1) 41 days (sent in 2-3 weeks before National)
    (2) 58 days
    (3) 77 days
    (4) 63 days
    (5) 62 days
    (6) 32 days
    (7) 62 days
    (8) 71 days


    Those are brutal turnaround times >>

  • ga5150ga5150 Posts: 743 ✭✭✭
    My renewal sub was logged on the 6th and popped yesterday the 12th. I guess I got lucky...


    << <i>I'm on business day number SIX for my renew sub! Can I get any sympathy over here?? image >>

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Mine just popped! image
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    congrats... I still wait... at least there is still almost 2 hours left in the business day... keeping fingers crossed on bus. day #45.

    Otherwise, Joe will have a nice email waiting for him tomorrow morning. I don't care for excuses, it's excellent service and results that I expect... I feel it's only fair to voice my displeasure.
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Well, I guess I'm the idiot now! Waited to actually make the complaint call until business day #45... ughh, where are my results!

    Come to find out, it's only business day #42!!! Apparently, I just need to be more patient because they don't count 3 days during the National as business days! First I've ever heard of that, and forget the fact that I know I saw Carol post on these forums that PSA was still open, still grading, and while short-staffed in CA, it was business as usual during the National!
  • I found the longer I waited the more PSA 10s were in my sub when it finally popped. So I would keep quite the whole time, not come on here and complain. My biggest fear would be I complain on here they see it and my order gets sent to the grader of death...

    I am guessing your sub will have many PSA 10s being it has taken this long...

    Also player subs always take the longest. If I did a sub of say all 1984 Topps. Then the order would be quicker to pop. If I sent in Jeter cards ranging from 1993 thru 2011. The order would take a long time. Just my observations.
  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Poppage at last... on day #66.

    For the most part, exactly what I expected... albeit I figured at least 1, if not 2, of the Chrome BB Auto's would get 10's... but 50/50 centering is tough to find on those. Was hoping to get at least 1 9 on the Jordans, but the 8 grade doesn't surprise me with what I sent in. Otherwise, only a little surprised on the 08 SPX Favre... not sure what constitutes a 9 versus a 10 on a die-cut card. Last one I subbed had what I'll call a cut line/imprefection around one of the rounded die-cut areas... that got a 9. This one was clean of such cut markings... figured that would make it a 10.... probably crack and resub at some point.

    1 1 18709166 GEM MINT 10 2004 BOWMAN CHROME 118 LARRY FITZGERALD Card US
    2 1 18709167 GEM MINT 10 2007 BOWMAN CHROME BC75 CALVIN JOHNSON Card US
    3 1 18709168 GEM MINT 10 2009 UPPER DECK 324 JOSH FREEMAN Card US
    4 1 18709169 GEM MINT 10 2006 BOWMAN CHROME 201 AARON RODGERS Card US
    5 1 18709170 GEM MINT 10 2008 SP AUTHENTIC 70 AARON RODGERS Card US
    6 1 18709171 GEM MINT 10 2009 BOWMAN CHROME 6 AARON RODGERS Card US
    7 1 18709172 GEM MINT 10 2009 FINEST 22 AARON RODGERS Card US
    8 1 18709173 GEM MINT 10 2009 TOPPS CHROME TC75 AARON RODGERS Card US
    9 1 18709174 GEM MINT 10 2009 UPPER DECK 73 AARON RODGERS Card US
    10 1 18709175 MINT 9 2010 FINEST 56 AARON RODGERS Card US
    10 2 18709176 GEM MINT 10 2010 FINEST 56 AARON RODGERS Card US
    11 1 18709177 GEM MINT 10 2010 SCORE 102 AARON RODGERS Card US
    11 2 18709178 GEM MINT 10 2010 SCORE 102 AARON RODGERS Card US
    12 1 18709179 MINT 9 2010 TOPPS CHROME C124 AARON RODGERS Card US
    13 1 18709180 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2002 FLAIR 100 BRETT FAVRE Card US
    14 1 18709181 MINT 9 2008 SPx 12 BRETT FAVRE Card US
    15 1 18709182 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2002 TOPPS 10 MICHAEL JORDAN Card US
    15 2 18709183 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2002 TOPPS 10 MICHAEL JORDAN Card US
    16 1 18709184 GEM MINT 10 1999 STADIUM CLUB 341 MATT HOLLIDAY Card US
    16 2 18709185 GEM MINT 10 1999 STADIUM CLUB 341 MATT HOLLIDAY Card US
    17 1 18709186 GEM MINT 10 1999 BOWMAN'S BEST 172 MATT HOLLIDAY Card US
    17 2 18709187 GEM MINT 10 1999 BOWMAN'S BEST 172 MATT HOLLIDAY Card US
    18 1 18709188 MINT 9 2010 TOPPS CHROME 178 JON JAY AUTOGRAPH Card US
    19 1 18709189 MINT 9 2010 TOPPS CHROME 181 TYLER COLVIN AUTOGRAPH Card US
  • Look at all those 10s... Nice job! image

  • epatmythesepatmythes Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Look at all those 10s... Nice job! image

    Congrats! >>

    Thanks... This is sub will put me near 60% complete on the A-Rod basic set in all 10's and will now allow me to request the creation of and have a 100% complete PSA 10 Matt Holliday rookie set. Overall very pleased.
  • That's the thing about these long waits. In the end, there's almost always something to be happy about. For my previous subs, I don't really blame PSA, because I tend to have complicated prewar subs with a bunch of different issues.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    For what it's worth, I've seen it in the rules where it states turnaround guarantee does not include days that PSA graders are set up at shows.

    On a side note, not only did my grades pop at 3:50pm on Tuesday, they arrived in my mailbox (in Ohio) today!!! Mind you, I didn't sign for them... not that I care. I always hate chasing down the mailman or leaving work early just to sign for my package, because I work during the day.
  • cpamikecpamike Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I always hate chasing down the mailman or leaving work early just to sign for my package, because I work during the day. >>

    Don't you hate it when work gets in the way. They should understand that you had an emergency that needed your immediate attention. image
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep."

    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

    Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
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