What are the biggest jumps in grades you've gotten when submitting to PSA a card that they had previ
I recently went from a 5 to an 8 on a card, and just wondered what the biggest differences you've experienced from having a card graded again.
Has anyone gone up more than 3 grades without having altered or done work to the card?
Not interested in "tirmmed" to being graded later, as those seem to happen all the time, just wondering about pure bumps.
Has anyone gone up more than 3 grades without having altered or done work to the card?
Not interested in "tirmmed" to being graded later, as those seem to happen all the time, just wondering about pure bumps.
Buying US Presidential autographs
i wouldn't call it a quantum leap, since i'm the one who forgot to remove the smudge the first time.
also gone 7 to 9 and 8 to 10 with commons.....i've always maintained that bulk orders get speed-graded and stuff gets missed or misinterpreted, whether it be my cards or someone else's, sometimes letting a little time slip by and giving a WTF? card another try might get a substantially better result.
This 52 Hodges was a 2.5 when I bought it; cracked and came back a 6.
"Molon Labe"
<< <i>
This 52 Hodges was a 2.5 when I bought it; cracked and came back a 6.
Wow, nice. A 3.5 grade bump, very impressive.
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
If the sun refused to shine
I don't mind, I don't mind
If the mountains ah, fell in the sea
Let it be, it ain't me.
(Well, all right)
Got my own world to live through and uh, ha !
And I ain't gonna copy you.
Yeah (sing the song brother...)
Now if uh, six uh, huh, turned out to be nine
Oh I don't mind, I don't mind uh ( Well all right... )
If all the hippies cut off all their hair
Oh I don't care, oh I don't care.
'Cause I've got my own world to live through and uh, huh
And I ain't gonna copy you.
White collar conservative flashin' down the street
Pointin' their plastic finger at me, ha !
They're hopin' soon my kind will drop and die but uh
I'm gonna wave my freak flag high, high !
Oww !
Wave on, wave on...
Ah, ha, ha
Fall mountains, just don't fall on me
Go ahead on mister business man, you can't dress like me
Yeah !
Don't nobody know what I'm talkin' about
I've got my own life to live
I'm the one that's gonna die when it's time for me to die
So let me live my life the way I want to
Yeah, sing on brother, play on drummer.
Seriously, how does this happen? Unless the second grader missed a wrinkle that the first grader saw, or the wrinkle never was there, I don't get it. Corners and edges for a 5 should be completely distinguishable from corners and edges for an 8.
Did an experiment with a Card a couple of years ago, 1953 Topps Who Z at Star, sent in if I remember 5/6 times, was NM-MT 8, NM 7, EX 5, VG-EX 4, NM-MT 8 and the piecse de Resistance 8.5+ NM-Mt and when I quit sending it.
But it was PSA to SGC
Also Ive had many 0s go to 8-9s Trimmed to 8-9s does that count
<< <i>(Yeah, sing a song bro'...)
If the sun refused to shine
I don't mind, I don't mind
If the mountains ah, fell in the sea
Let it be, it ain't me.
(Well, all right)
Got my own world to live through and uh, ha !
And I ain't gonna copy you.
Yeah (sing the song brother...)
Now if uh, six uh, huh, turned out to be nine
Oh I don't mind, I don't mind uh ( Well all right... )
If all the hippies cut off all their hair
Oh I don't care, oh I don't care.
'Cause I've got my own world to live through and uh, huh
And I ain't gonna copy you.
White collar conservative flashin' down the street
Pointin' their plastic finger at me, ha !
They're hopin' soon my kind will drop and die but uh
I'm gonna wave my freak flag high, high !
Oww !
Wave on, wave on...
Ah, ha, ha
Fall mountains, just don't fall on me
Go ahead on mister business man, you can't dress like me
Yeah !
Don't nobody know what I'm talkin' about
I've got my own life to live
I'm the one that's gonna die when it's time for me to die
So let me live my life the way I want to
Yeah, sing on brother, play on drummer. >>
<< <i>1 to a 10. 1952 topps mantle. No big deal
But it was PSA to SGC
Also Ive had many 0s go to 8-9s Trimmed to 8-9s does that count >>
Good one!! LOL
<< <i>I had a raw 89 UD Griffey that I subed that got a 5 the first time and a 9 the second time. I looked over the card 10x and have no idea how it got a 5 the first time. >>
This is encouraging. I just sent 4 '89 UD Griffeys of which I thought I'd get one 10 and three 9's, at least. I got one 9 and three 7's and have NO idea why. Time to crack & resub...
Doesn't it sort of turn PSA and entire 'graded' thing into a joke?
Am I missing something? Why would't you PSA people be up in arms about this.
Neil's post is flat-out SCARY if that's how it actually went down.
<< <i>There can be no administrative or clerical type errors at PSA. >>
Wow, that PSA customer service rep totally threw the grader under the bus with that one.
<< <i>I'll ask the obvious: Doesn't this bother the heck out of you guys? >>
No. Here's why.
WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
This card was truly mint, but the first grader probably noticed just the slightest bit of crimping on 1 of the borders. You really
can't see it unless you really look for it. I was not happy with the 6.
I popped it out and resubmitted it a year later and got a 9. The card is a beauty, with the slightest bit of imperfection seen under
high scrutiny.
<< <i>I'll ask the obvious: Doesn't this bother the heck out of you guys?
Doesn't it sort of turn PSA and entire 'graded' thing into a joke?
Am I missing something? Why would't you PSA people be up in arms about this.
Neil's post is flat-out SCARY if that's how it actually went down. >>
I'll take a stab at these.
"Doesn't this bother the heck out of you guys?" not really, but then again, I don't buy high dollar third party graded cards where I'm paying a premium for that grade. In other words, if I can buy a nice looking raw card for $5.00, then I'm not going to pay $4487.00 for the same card just because it's graded a 10. I don't participate in the registry either, so I'm not buying a flip, I'm buying a card, and most of the time I trust my eyes better than anyone else. I realize that grades are subjective, and what might be an 8 to one grader, might be a 10 to another grader, or even a 10 to the first grader on a different day and time when they have different personal stuff going on in their life. I don't expect perfection from PSA, as I realize that the graders and data entry people are human just like me, and not robots. They are going to have a certain percentage of error rate, just like I do at stuff, and I can live with that. I think they do an overall good job and are worth what we pay for their service.
"Doesn't it sort of turn PSA and entire 'graded' thing into a joke?" Again, not really. First, it's a "subjective science" and I use the term "science" loosely. Second, as I mentioned above, there is going to be a certain error rate, and I'm fine with what I perceive their error rate to be. If it happens on your card, then it sucks, but their are options to remedy it so it's not a big deal to me. If I was one of the people that pay $4487.00 for a relatively modern common just because it's got a 10 on the flip, then it might bother me, but I'm not one of them so it doesn't.
"Am I missing something?" I don't think you are, but you might be expecting too much in return for your $5 to $20 grading fee. If their service wasn't so cheap, it might be justified to expect a lower rate of errors, and more consistency, but at their current price levels, I still feel they are a bargain.
"Why would't you PSA people be up in arms about this" Because I don't expect perfection from a service that I pay $5 to $20 for.
"Neil's post is flat-out SCARY if that's how it actually went down" Neil is a man of his word from what I've found so I'm pretty sure it did go down that way.
The above responses are obviously my own, but just wanted to address your questions some.
<< <i>Same here... PSA 5 to PSA 8 on a '64 Bob Gibson. >>
Ouch! I sold you the Gibson. I had 65 Carty that went from trimmed to a 7, and then to an 8.
Currently collecting 1934 Butterfinger, 1969 Nabisco, 1991 Topps Desert Shield (in PSA 9 or 10), and 1990 Donruss Learning Series (in PSA 10).
FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
Not to get stones thrown at me but I feel that if it wasn't for the set registry....PSA's inconsistancy would possibly put them a distant second to SGC for collectors of pre-war cards.
<< <i>
"Neil's post is flat-out SCARY if that's how it actually went down" Neil is a man of his word from what I've found so I'm pretty sure it did go down that way.
The above responses are obviously my own, but just wanted to address your questions some.
Mike >>
Actually that is exactly How it went down, (Although I don't Remember the sequence of grades except the 8.5 was the last where it resides today) and I remember at the same time I did this, 3-4 years ago, a couple of others did something similar, maybe Lee did, don't remember who.
Sad thing was, I was doing it for this experiment but with an ulterior motive, the Card itself is the nicest 1953 Who-Z-At Star card I have ever owned, and I had been trying for years to get the First and Still only MINT 9 for the entire set. The Card is a 9 all day every day...Even a 10 for the Poor Manufacturing that Topps did on this set, Period. I had another card that was bought with it and the last three times I subbed the one that ended up 8.5, I would do 3-5 cards at the same time, and this other Card was really nice , just not the Blazer the one I wanted in a 9 holder was. Well the last time I subbed them together, the second one comes back as a MINT 9, and the one that should be a MINT 9 is in the 8.5 holder. So long story short I still have the Only MINT 9 ever awarded for the Set, just the Wrong Card IMO!!
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Isn't that the one that had the "booger" on the back? And I still think it looks more like a 7 than a 6...