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Freezer method of removing gum

Could someone please explain the process of using a freezer to remove gum from a card. Thurman Munson needs your help....

Specific times would be helpful. Thanks.
2.5 is pretty much my speed.


  • Evening,

    Exact times are estimates of course, but as a general rule, these times will apply.

    Step # 1: Take affected card and submerge in Water (H2O), which has been Pre-cooled to 36-38 degrees farhenheit. When Card is saturated to 78% -80% Water to paper density, remove Card from water. Allow Card to stand in upright position, or if Card presents as Star Card which would be normally Horizontal to normal plain of reference, then stand Card in Vertical position. Allow Card to Pre-Dry for 17 minutes, DO NOT DISTURB card during this step of the process, As an example, 1985 Topps #33 Walter Payton card with him looking down at the ground can add Bad Karma to card and is just wrong JuJu !!! Make sure Player is referenced with Horizon appropiately!

    After Card has been dried in above manner, then take Card and it remove from Card Saver II, .............Oops...Card should have been removed from Card saver II before step #1.............Now your hosed. If you were smart enough to have previously removed Card from card saver II, then you are OK now and you can proceed to Step #3.

    Step #3: Plug in Freezer, find appropiate Card you give a Flying Fu$#k about and then proceed to step #1.

    Step #4: After attempting to clear the confusion in your mind of where your at in the process of Step #1-#4, Step through Step situation, now you can actually start thinking about the Card...................Card is Fricking Wet, like soaking wet, and You Are a Loser !!!!.....Good Luck getting 3 cents from your $400 dollar Card Now, DumbAss!!


    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,008 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have read that placing a card in the freezer overnight that has gum or even glue stuck to it can work well. After eight to ten (?) hours in the freezer, carefully pry the gum or glue away from the card. Sometimes works like a charm, but if foreign substance has "seeped" into the card this might not work and outer layer of paper might stick to the gum or glue.

    I have never done this myself, but it might be worth a try, hopefully your card has never gotten damp from too much humidity, after freezing the gum might practically fall off.

    Good luck!

    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
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