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IBHOF - Rookie Card Checklist (Official Thread)

I figured it would be a lot more fun if we all built this thing together. So, I am posting my IBHOF Rookie Card Checklist in unfinished form. Let's finish this thing together! If you have anything to add or subtract from this list, please feel free to post in the thread, and I will make sure to constantly update the list. (I've got a bunch more to add to this list myself!)

Please note: I have not included Exhibit cards on the checklist. I want to exhaust all "card" possibilities before having to resort to exhibits (simply because I believe that PSA won't grade them and it would be nice to one day start a set registry with this checklist). Also, players marked with an astericks have not been inducted into the IBHOF, but were members of the now defunct Ring Magazine Boxing Hall of Fame. Finally, this list contains only the boxers who have been inducted into the IBHOF (or the Ring Magazine Hall of Fame).

I'm sure I have made a few mistakes. If you can help fix this checklist, please don't hesitate!

Thanks, Alan.

IBHOF – Rookie Card Database


Last Name, First Name (Year of Induction) Earliest Card(s) (Tentative Rookie Card Designation)

Aaron, Barney (2001) 1889 S.F. Hess & Co.'s Cigarettes (N332)
Aaron, Young Barney (2007)
Ali, Muhammad (1990) (1965 Lampo Grand Champions #154)
Ambers, Lou (1992) 1935 La Salle Hats
Angott, Sammy (1998) 1948 Leaf #2
Apostoli, Fred (2003) 1948 Leaf #74
Arguello, Alexis (1992) 1991 All World #15
Arizmendi, Baby (2004)
Armstrong, Henry (1990) 1935 United Tobacco Company #56
Attell, Abe (1990) 1908 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers #41
Baer, Max (1995) 1933 Sport Kings #44 (Boxing)
Baldwin, Caleb (2003)
Barry, Jimmy (2000) 1901 Ogden’s Cigarettes Heroes of the Ring
Basilio, Carmen (1990)
Bass, Benny (2002)
Battalino, Battling (2003)
Belcher, Jem (1992)
Benitez, Wilfred (1994) 1982 Panini #73
Benvenuti, Nino (1996) c1960’s Anonymous Italian #267, 1966 Panini #347
Berg, Jackie “Kid” (1992) 1928 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists in Action #5
Berlenbach, Paul (2001) 1929 Godfrey Phillips Sporting Champions #32
Bivins, Jimmy (1999)
Braddock, James J. (2001) 1935 J.A. Pattreiouex Sporting Events & Stars #53
Brain, Benjamin (1994)
Britt, Jimmy* (1976)
Britton, Jack (1990) c1920’s Romeo and Julieta #30
Broughton, Jack (1990)
Brouillard, Lou (2006)
Brown, Joe (1996)
Brown, Panama Al (1992) 1928 Greiling Tobacco #14
Buchanan, Ken (2000) 1971 Barratt & Co. #23
Burke, James (1992)
Burley, Charley (1992)
Burns, Tommy (1996) 1908 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers #4
Canizales, Orlando (2009)
Canto, Miguel (1998)
Canzoneri, Tony (1990) 1928 W513 #97
Carbajal, Michael (2006) 1991 Kayo #170
Carney, Jem (2006)
Carpentier, Georges (1991) 1912 Cohen, Weenan, & Co. #3
Carter, Jimmy (2000) 1951 Topps Ringside #15
Cerdan, Marcel (1991) 1948 Leaf #42, 1948 Topps Magic Photo #23A
Cervantes, Antonio (1998)
Chacon, Bobby (2005)
Chambers, Arthur (2000) 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight Prizefighters (N269) #21
Chandler, Jeff (2000)
Chandler, Tom* (1972)
Chaney, George K.O.* (1974)
Chang, Jung-Koo (2010)
Charles, Ezzard (1990) 1951 Berk Ross #1-13, 1951 Topps Ringside #96
Chavez, Julio Cesar (2011) 1991 Ringlords #31
Chocolate, Kid (1994) 1930 Caramelos La Estrella
Choynski, Joe (1998) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (Chonskia) (N310)
Clark, Nobby* (1971)
Cokes, Curtis (2003) 1967-68 Panini #459
Collyer, Sam* (1964)
Conn, Billy (1990) 1946-47 Propaganda Montiel #20
Corbett, James J. (1990) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (N310), c1890’s Little Rhody Cut (N537)
Corbett, Young II (2010) 1908 T226 Red Sun
Corbett, Young III (2004)
Coulon, Johnny (1999)
Cribb, Tom (1991)
Criqui, Eugene (2005) 1922 Boy’s Friend Rising Boxing Stars #13a (nm/L) #13b (nm/R)
Cuevas, Pipino (2002)
Curtis, Dick (2007)
Darcy, Les (1993)
Delaney, Jack (1996) 1926 Spalding (Sports Co. of America), 1926 Greiling #15
Dempsey, Jack (1990)
Dempsey, Jack Nonpareil (1992)
Dillon, Jack (1995)
Dixon, George (1990)
Donnelly, Dan (2008)
Donovan, Professor Mike (1998)
Driscoll, Jim (1990) 1909 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers (white background) #38
Duffy, Paddy (1994)
Dundee, Johnny (1991)
Duran, Roberto (2007) 1973-74 Panini #301
Edwards, Billy (2004)
Elorde, Flash (1993) 1966 Campioni Dello Sport (Panini) #380 (Gabriel)
Escobar, Sixto (2002)
Fenech, Jeff (2002) 1986 Panini #171
Fields, Jackie (2004)
Figg, James (1992)
Fitzsimmons, Bob (1990) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (N310)
Flowers, Tiger (1993) 1926 Spalding (Sports Co. of America)
Foreman, George (2003) 1973-74 Panini #289
Foster, Bob (1990) 1969-70 Panini #353
Frazier, Joe (1990) 1967 Panini #464
Fullmer, Gene (1991)
Galaxy, Khaosai (1999)
Galindez, Victor (2002)
Gans, Joe (1990) 1908 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers #50
Garcia, Ceferino* (1977)
Gavilan, Kid (1990) 1951 Topps Ringside #73
Genaro, Frankie (1998) 1923 W580
Giardello, Joey (1993)
Gibbons, Mike (1992) 1923 Olympia Games, 1923 W580
Gibbons, Tommy (1993)
Godfrey, George (2007)
Gomez, Wilfredo (1995) 1982 Panini #79
Gonzalez, Humberto (2006)
Goss, Joe (2003) 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight Prizefighters (N269)
Graham, Billy (1992) 1951 Topps Ringside #74
Graziano, Rocky (1991) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #12
Greb, Harry (1990) 1921 W551
Griffith, Emile (1990) 1966 Panini #373
Griffo, Young (1991)
Gully, John (2011)
Hagler, Marvelous Marvin (1993) 1982 Panini #68
Harada, Fighting (1995) 1966 Panini #378
Harris, Harry (2002)
Harvey, Len (2008)
Heenan, John C. (2002) 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight Prizefighters (N269)
Herman, Pete (1997) 1922 Sporting Champions #15
Holmes, Larry (2008) 1982 Panini #66
Houck, Leo* (1969)
Hyer, Jacob* (1968)
Hyer, Tom (2009)
Jack, Beau (1991)
Jackling, Thomas* (1985)
Jackson, Peter (1990) 1889 S.F. Hess & Co.'s Cigarettes (N332)
Jackson, John (1992)
Jeanette, Joe (1997) 1910 E79 Philadelphia Caramel 27 Scrappers, 1910 T225 Prizefighters Series – 101, 1910 T218 Hassan Cigarettes (Mecca)
Jeffra, Harry* (1982)
Jeffries, James J. (1990) 1902 Ogden’s Ltd. Tabs General Interest – Series F
Jenkins, Lew (1999)
Jofre, Eder (1992)
Johansson, Ingemar (2002)
Johnson, Harold (1993) 1962 Wanne-Eickel
Johnson, Jack (1990) 1909 E75 American Caramel Co. (Philadelphia), 1909 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers #55
Jones, Gorilla (2009)
Jones, Paddington Tom (2010)
Kansas, Rocky (2010)
Kaplan, Louis Kid (2003) 1926 Spalding (Sports Co. of America)
Ketchel, Stanley (1990) 1909 W.P. Jeffries Co.
Kid, Dixie (2002) 1912 Cohen, Weenan, & Co. #17 (The Dixie Kid)
Kilbane, Johnny (1995) 1923 Olympia Games, 1923 Willard’s Chocolates (V137)
King, Tom (1992)
Klaus, Frank (2008) 1910 T220 Mecca Cigarettes, 1910 T227 Series of Champions
LaBarba, Fidel (1996) 1926 Spalding (Sports Co. of America)
Laguna, Ismael (2001)
LaMotta, Jake (1990) 1948 Leaf #102
Langford, Sam (1990) 1909 Ogden’s Pugilists & Wrestlers #73
Langham, Nat (1992)
Lavigne, George Kid (1998) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (N310) (Geo. Lavigne)
Leonard, Benny (1990) 1921 W551
Leonard, Sugar Ray (1997) 1982 Panini #67 (Sports Superstars)
Lesnevich, Gus* (1973)
Levinsky, Battling (2000)
Lewis, Harry (2008) 1910 E78
Lewis, John Henry (1994) 1938 African Tobacco World of Sport #26, 1938 Cartledge Razor Famous Prizefighters #48a (glossy), #48b (matte), 1938 Churchman Boxing Personalities #24
Lewis, Lennox (2009) 1991 Kayo #068
Lewis, Ted Kid (1992) 1915 Ogden’s Cigarettes #3
Liston, Sonny (1991)
Locche, Nicolino (2003)
Loi, Duillo (2005) 1967-68 Panini #471
Lopez, Danny (2010)
Lopez, Ricardo (2007)
Loughran, Tommy (1991) 1930 Caramelos La Estrella
Louis, Joe (1990) 1935 J.A. Pattreiouex Sporting Events & Stars #56, 1935 J.A. Pattrieiouex Sporting Celebrities #32, 1935 United Tobacco Co. World-Famous Boxers #1
Lynch, Benny (1998) 1935 J.A. Pattreiouex #49
Lynch, Joe (2005) 1921 W551
Mace, Jem (1990) 1888 S.F. Hess (N332)
Maher, Peter* (1978)
Mandell, Sammy (1998) 1929 Godfrey Phillips Sporting Champions #21
Marciano, Rocky (1990)
Marshall, Lloyd (2010)
Maxim, Joey (1994) 1951 Berk Ross #2-12, 1951 Topps Ringside #8
McAuliffe, Jack (1995) 1887 Old Judge (N )
McCallum, Mike (2003)
McCoy, Charles Kid (1991) 1901 Ogden’s Ltd. Tabs General Interest – Series A #93
McFarland, Packey (1992) 1909 W.P. Jeffries
McGovern, Terry (1990)
McGuigan, Barry (2005)
McLarnin, Jimmy (1991) 1930 Caramelos La Estrella
McVey, Sam (1999) 1908 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers #51
Mendoza, Daniel (1990)
Miller, Freddie (1997)
Miske, Billy (2010)
Mitchell, Brian (2009)
Mitchell, Charley (2002) 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight Prizefighters #10 (N269)
Molineaux, Tom (1997)
Montanez, Pedro (2007)
Montgomery, Bob (1995) 1948 Leaf #44
Monzon, Carlos (1990)
Moore, Archie (1990)
Moore, Memphis Pal (2011)
Moran, Owen (2002) 1908 Ogden’s Cigarettes Puglists & Wrestlers #44
Morrissey, John (1996) 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight Prizefighters #44 (N269)
Muhammad, Matthew Saad (1998) 1982 Panini #80
Napoles, Jose (1990)
Nelson, Azumah (2004) 1986 Panini #165
Nelson, Battling (1992) 1909 W.P. Jeffries
Norfolk, Kid (2007)
Norris, Terry (2005)
Norton, Ken (1992)
O’Brien, Philadelphia Jack (1994)
Olivares, Ruben (1991) 1970-71 Panini #279
Olson, Bobo (2000)
Ortiz, Carlos (1991) 1966 Panini #374
Ortiz, Manuel (1996) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #63
Palomino, Carlos (2004)
Papke, Billy (2001) 1909 W.P. Jeffries
Papp, Laszlo (2001) c1952 VEB Volkskunstverlag Reichenbach #60 (Helsiniki Olympics 1952)
Pastrano, Willie (2001)
Patterson, Floyd (1991)
Pearce, Henry (1993)
Pedroza, Eusebio (1999)
Pep, Willie (1990) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #28
Perez, Pascual (1995)
Perkins, Eddie (2008)
Petrolle, Billy (2000)
Pryor, Aaron (1996)
Qawi, Dwight Muhammad (2004)
Ramos, Sugar (2001)
Randall, Jack (2005)
Richmond, Bill (1999)
Ritchie, Willie (2004) 1915 Cope Bros. & Co. #42, 1915 Ogden’s Cigarettes #36
Robinson, Sugar Ray (1990) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #30
Rodriguez, Luis (1997)
Root, Jack (2011)
Rosario, Edwin (2006)
Rosenbloom, Maxie (1993)
Ross, Barney (1990)
Ryan, Tommy (1991) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (N310)
Saddler, Sandy (1990) 1951 Berk Ross #4-12, 1951 Topps Ringside #29
Saldivar, Vicente (1999) 1966 Panini #379
Sam, Dutch (1997)
Sam, Young Dutch (2002)
Sanchez, Salvador (1991) 1982 Panini #78
Sayers, Tom (1990) 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight Prizefighters #48 (N269)
Schmeling, Max (1992)
Shade, Dave (2011)
Sharkey, Jack (1994)
Sharkey, Tom (2003) 1901 Ogden’s Ltd. Tabs General Interest – Series A #83
Shirai, Yoshio* (1977)
Slattery, Jimmy (2006)
Smith, Jeff* (1969)
Smith, Mysterious Billy (2009) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (N310) (Billy Smith)
Soose, Billy (2009) 1951 Topps Ringside #13
Spinks, Michael (1994) 1986 Panini #146
Spring, Tom (1992)
Steele, Freddie (1999)
Stribling, Young (1996) 1923 V137 Willard Chocolate
Sullivan, John L. (1990) 1887 Old Judge Cigarettes (N174), 1887 Lorillard’s Mechanics Delight #17 (N269)
Taylor, Charles Bud (2005)
Tendler, Lew (1999)
Thil, Marcel (2005)
Thompson, Bendigo (1991)
Tiger, Dick (1991) 1966 Panini #382
Torres, Jose (1997)
Tszyu, Kostya (2011)
Tunney, Gene (1990) 1923 W580 (US), 1923 W580 (Siam)
Turpin, Randy (2001) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #44
Tyson, Mike (2011) 1986 Panini #153
Villa, Pancho (1994) 1921 W551
Walcott, Jersey Joe (1990) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #6
Walcott, Barbados Joe (1991) 1890 Mayo’s Cut Plug (N310) (Joe Walcott)
Walker, Mickey (1990) 1921 W551
Ward, Jem (1995)
Welsh, Freddie (1997) 1908 Ogden’s Cigarettes Pugilists & Wrestlers #37 (Fred. Welsh)
Whitaker, Pernell (2007) 1986 Brown’s Boxing #66
Wilde, Jimmy (1990) 1915 Ogden’s Cigarettes #38, 1915 Cope Bros. & Co. #45
Willard, Jess (2003) 1915 Ogden’s Cigarettes #25
Williams, Holman (2008) 1946-47 Propaganda Montiel #
Williams, Ike (1990) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #31
Williams, Kid (1996) 1923 W580 (US), 1923 W580 (Siam)
Wills, Harry (1992) 1923 W580 (US), 1923 W580 (Siam), 1923 Burstein Isaac Famous Prize-Fighters #35a (MiXeD tYpE), 1923 Burstein Isaac Famous Prize-Fighters #35b (all CAPS), 1923 W515 #3, 1923 Olympia Games
Wolgast, Ad (2000) 1910 E77 American Caramel Co., 1910 Red Sun Cigarettes (T226)
Wolgast, Midget (2001)
Wright, Chalky (1997) 1948 Leaf #57
Yarosz, Teddy (2006)
Zale, Tony (1991) 1947 D. Cummings & Son Famous Fighters #32
Zaragosa, Daniel (2004)
Zarate, Carlos (1994)
Zivic, Fritzie (1993) 1948 Leaf #82

*Member of Ring Magazine Boxing Hall of Fame (defunct 1987)
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


  • jswietonjswieton Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭
    Larry Holmes 1982 Panini #66
  • Big80sBig80s Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭
    That is one heck of a list! Nice work, Alan.
    Let's Rip It: PackGeek.com
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    PSA does grade Exhibit cards.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
  • wrestlingcardkingwrestlingcardking Posts: 4,555 ✭✭✭✭
    Not the boxing exhibits....not anymore.
    BUYING Frank Gotch T229 Kopec
    Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
  • Added the Holmes. Thanks!
    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Not the boxing exhibits....not anymore. >>

    image Any idea why they stopped?

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
  • eagles33eagles33 Posts: 2,684 ✭✭✭
    Dempsy has a 1922 champions card that I think is his rookie.

    Ali is tough. He has a few different hand cut cards from 1960-1964. His first traditional card is 1965 lampo which psa doesn't grade for some unknown ridiculous reason. His next card is 1966 panini that psa does slab. I think the mkt has decided that the lampo card is his rookie. This sells for 300-600 raw or in a low grade bgs. There are also different backs on the 66 panini. The valida back recently sold for about 1000 in a low grade.

    Scans of most of my Misc rookies can be found <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.collectors.com/m...y&keyword1=Non%20major">here
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭

    1986 Mike Tyson PSA 9


    1986 Michael Spinks PSA 10

    Here are two from the list in the their top grade

  • Dempsey rookie is a tough call. I left it blank on the list to generate some conversation. He has a bunch of cards that could be considered to be in the running as his rookie card.
    He has a W529 strip card released c1920; a Romeo y julieta card also released c1920; a Felix Potin card released somewhere between 1920-1922; and I think he might have a W551 strip card which was released in 1921 (although I might be mistaken here). Now, if you bring 1922 into the equation, there are a couple of cards to consider (such as the aforementioned Sporting Champions card and the Comic Life card he shares with footballer Donald McKinlay—PSA will go as far as to grade just the Dempsey from this card, allowing submitters to cut the card in half. Blasphemy!). I think Dempsey might also have a Juncosa card which was also released c1920, but it, along with some of the other c1920 cards I mentioned, are so difficult to accurately date that, as the previous poster mentioned, the hobby almost considers the 1922 Sporting Champions card to be his rookie.

    I had always envisioned this checklist to be similar to the Old Cardboard HOF (baseball) Rookie Card Database in that it highlights the five earliest cards of a given Hall of Famer. Towards that end, it would probably be good if we listed a number of early cards for a particular member of the IBHOF.

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
  • That Spinks is top notch. Thanks for posting it!
    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
  • Big80sBig80s Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭
    I still consider the 1922 Champions card to be the Dempsey rookie card, even though it's not technically his first release. But some people also consider Mantle's '51 Bowman to be his rookie card. Two different schools of thought.
    Let's Rip It: PackGeek.com
  • scashaggyscashaggy Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭
    Here is one for Ali:

    1960 Swedish Hemmets Journal

    Got this pic from the bay.
  • fkwfkw Posts: 1,766 ✭✭
    wow good work so far...

    I wish I could help with the older issues, I see many of these names are familiar but dont pay attention to the vintage Boxing cards like the Baseball issues.

    With PSA fixing their (lack of) counterfeit identification expertise, by not grading the item anymore, shows they sure need to hire someone who can tell the fakes from the authentic pieces. I am not a PSA fan and dont know that latest... but I also recall hearing they didnt grade football exhibits either??? No Boxing or Football??
  • The Hemmets Ali is an interesting contender for ali's rookie card, and certainly worth including as part of an "earliest card" checklist, no matter anyone's thoughts on what actually defines what a "card" might be. Does PSA still grade these? I know it's handcut, and that Ali is paired with another athlete, and that it was part of a journal cover/page, but I hope they will grade it. I've heard the ali and pele are often faked.
    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
  • scashaggyscashaggy Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭
    If you want to go with more of a 'traditional' card and not a hand cut.

    1965 Lampo

  • wrestlingcardkingwrestlingcardking Posts: 4,555 ✭✭✭✭
    i think a signed Lampo would be out of this world if you would ever go that route.
    BUYING Frank Gotch T229 Kopec
    Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
  • Taking out the Swedish magazine hand cut issues, the Ali Rookie is not the Lampo, but the 1964 MacRobertsons card from Australia.

  • I'll do another Aussie in Les Darcy now. His "known" rookie card from an actual set would be from the 1922 Newcastle Boxers set (it's a memorial card). He also has a card in the 1922/23 Romeo Y Julieta set, but the actual date of production of this set is not known.


    That being said, he had a few "cards" released during his career, which are known as stadium cards. THese postcard sized cards were released for big fights and distributed as a form of advertising.
    THey were from 1913/14, but probably aren't considered as part of a "set". A darcy example is shown at the top right.

  • A few more off the top of my head:

    Rocky Marciano 1951 Topps Ringside
    James J Braddock could also have 1935 Godfrey Phillips "In the Public Eye" card.
    Jem Carney - 1886 M167 Old Judge
    Jack McAuliffe - 1887 N167 Old Judge
    John L Sullivan - 1887 Allen & Ginters "World's Champions" (N28)
    Pedro Montinez - 1932 E Quintana
    Young Griffo - 1890 Mayo Prizefighters (N310) - a lot of the pioneers rookies would come form this set, and the N269 Lorillards. Would have to check through it all.

    As far as I am aware, the following boxers don't have any "career" cards (copied form a thread off another board).

    Old Timer
    Harry Harris
    Kid Norfolk
    Jack Root

    Joe Brown
    Charley Burley
    Antonio Cervantes
    Jun-Koo Chang
    Curtis Cokes
    Pipino Cuevas
    Khaosai Galaxy
    Victor Galindez
    Humberto Gonzalez
    Ismael Laguna
    Danny Lopez
    Ricardo Lopez
    Mike McCallum
    Lloyd Marshall
    Carlos Palomino
    Eusabio Pedroza
    Sugar Ramos
    Luis Rodriguez
    Edwin Rosario
    Vicente Saldivar
    Salvador Sanchez
    Jose Torres
    Daniel Zaragosa
    Carlos Zarate
  • In addition to what you already have,

    Joe Goss - 1887 N269 Lorillards "rookies"
    Jack Dempsey (He also has an Allen & Ginter's N28, and one of the N174's)
    Peter Jackson - 1889 SF Hess (N332)
    Bob Fitzsimmons - also has an Old Judge N174. It's the Australian version which was released in 1890.
    Jem Mace - was in the 1887 N269 Lorrilard set from memory which predates the SF Hess set.
    John C Heenan - another N269 Lorillard rookie

    I would have to check my N174 and N332 lists to make sure as there are a few boxers in those sets.

    Modern guys like Kostya Tszyu and Lennox Lewis have cards in the Browns boxing sets but I would have to check the
    years to confirm rookie cards.

  • << <i>A few more off the top of my head:

    Rocky Marciano 1951 Topps Ringside
    James J Braddock could also have 1935 Godfrey Phillips "In the Public Eye" card.
    Jem Carney - 1886 M167 Old Judge
    Jack McAuliffe - 1887 N167 Old Judge
    John L Sullivan - 1887 Allen & Ginters "World's Champions" (N28)
    Pedro Montinez - 1932 E Quintana
    Young Griffo - 1890 Mayo Prizefighters (N310) - a lot of the pioneers rookies would come form this set, and the N269 Lorillards. Would have to check through it all.

    As far as I am aware, the following boxers don't have any "career" cards (copied form a thread off another board).

    Old Timer
    Harry Harris
    Kid Norfolk
    Jack Root

    Joe Brown
    Charley Burley
    Antonio Cervantes
    Jun-Koo Chang
    Curtis Cokes
    Pipino Cuevas
    Khaosai Galaxy
    Victor Galindez
    Humberto Gonzalez
    Ismael Laguna
    Danny Lopez
    Ricardo Lopez
    Mike McCallum
    Lloyd Marshall
    Carlos Palomino
    Eusabio Pedroza
    Sugar Ramos
    Luis Rodriguez
    Edwin Rosario
    Vicente Saldivar
    Salvador Sanchez
    Jose Torres
    Daniel Zaragosa
    Carlos Zarate >>

    David, this is why you are the best. Excellent information, as always. Thanks! I will update the my initial post in this thread as soon as I can.

    re: Curtis Cokes, I think he has a Panini "card" that is career contemporary, but I might be wrong.
    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
  • This is probably Kostya's - 1994 Brown's (doesn't come with the autograph image

  • mikliamiklia Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭
    bumping this extensive list, hoping to generate some discussion and help on creating a Boxing RC set registry! For those who might be interested or can offer assistance, check out the thread here:

    HOFers and Heavyweights
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