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Question on 01 Heritage Box on EBay

I'm not an expert on Heritage boxes but this box looks different than any other 01 Heritage box I have seen. Is this how the retails packs came in 01?


And if anyone can tell me how to past a link as a phrase I would appreciate it. Tough being old and technologically impaired.

Looking for 66 and 69 OPC baseball
60's OPC packs
72 BB, 60's FB, 71FB, 73FB, 74FB, 75FB, 76FB, 78FB Rack Packs
72 and earlier BB cello


  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    for those that are link challenged.

    Edit add:

    To post a link on this board is a matter of copy the link then clicking on the http button under "Message Text" it is to the left of https and right of the picture buttons. a box should pop up that box is where you past the link. Then click ok then type in what ever text you want your link to have. then hit ok and the code should appear in the text area.

    Hope that helps...
  • WaltWalt Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭
    That is a hobby box, the picture is obviously bad. The key here is the topps wrap which is cleary visable. I would also add that in 2001 heritage put the autographs
    on the back, so they are easy to search so beware when buying single packs. Good Luck!

  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    looks like my boxes...i think its just a bad scan.
  • MacrosBMacrosB Posts: 525 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for your help. It's just that I was use to seeing boxes like this one where the collors look darker and more solid while the first one looks splotchy.


    01 Heritage box I'm use to
    Looking for 66 and 69 OPC baseball
    60's OPC packs
    72 BB, 60's FB, 71FB, 73FB, 74FB, 75FB, 76FB, 78FB Rack Packs
    72 and earlier BB cello
  • WaltWalt Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭
    ended for 165 wow, a new low, I would bought it for that price!
  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    I would hope the box isn't discolored from Irene.
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