the only difference between SS and welfare: (1) You have to contribute to SS (2) You get money from the Gov regardless of your income bracket
Not as bad as welfare, but they will find a way to make it as bad. I hate it when people say "I'm just getting my money back."
My reply: "No you aren't, you are getting money they took from someone else - they gave your money away years ago."
In its simplest form it is a tax on earnings when it goes one way and when it goes the other way it is a government, socialist handout. Just another Washington plan to have us depend on them instead of depending on ourselves.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<<< I paid in for 32 years now. You dang right I want it back. >>>
I understand the comment but that really is sorta like saying you want your tax money back. The Social Security fund was simply a tax, setup with a false future premise that the country would keep growing and expanding forever and nobody would figure out the sham that is Social Security...and it is a sham based on what it represents.
Sorry, but that money you paid in went towards aircraft carriers, our military, infrastructure, welfare payments, foreign aid, and on and on the list of government spending including government patronage jobs by the millions. You already benefited in some way from that tax you paid in, and even if you didn't benefit it doesn't matter. The money you paid in is now spent and gone...and even worse, liberal government keeps spending more money anyway, printing money, devaluing the currency, which will sooner if not certainly later, bring America to financial ruin. Those are the facts...we can accept the facts and do something about the problem, or we can live like we are in a fantasy Hollywood movie and believe somehow that it will all just have a happy ending.
I don't think anyone wants to disband Social Security, however it can only be continued in its present form under what we can afford to pay, and has nothing to do with what was paid in. If we don't want to acknowledge reality, and keep printing money to pay for these promised benefits, and all the other promised government benefits, then welcome to the Weimar Republic of America, and we all know what happened there. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp and other WW2 atrocity sites when I was over in Europe some years ago - it wasn't a was real...and it would be naive and dangerous to believe it couldn't happen again.
<< <i>I don't think anyone wants to disband Social Security, however it can only be continued in its present form under what we can afford to pay, and has nothing to do with what was paid in. >>
and that is what is happening already.
cuts to benefits.
and they will keep cutting.
but no one will want to disband it. (it's so vital! to people's lives.)
I guess eventually people will realize the minimal payments are nothing and start asking for their money back or suggest that payments could be stopped if diverted to some sort of self directed retirement investment (in US debt?).
Hmmmm..... would you take US debt in lieu of SS payments?
It was obvious to me in the mid-1990's that SS was a scam unfortunately, I couldn't stop paying into it. It was also obvious that Americans weren't all going to retire on their stock money winnings either. I used to chuckle when the T. Rowe Price people used to come to our workplace to give an investment seminar on our 401K's and the first thing was the estimated 8%/yr "forever" gains via stocks and bonds. I left the stock market after 1997 and didn't realize that one could carry that Ponzi on for another 3 yrs. Just one scam after another if you think about it.
The go-go lifestyles of the 1983-2007 period was partially paid for by Soc Security. So if you lived high off the hog and overspent all those years you received some advantage from the system.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
(1) You have to contribute to SS
(2) You get money from the Gov regardless of your income bracket
Not as bad as welfare, but they will find a way to make it as bad. I hate it when people say "I'm just getting my money back."
My reply: "No you aren't, you are getting money they took from someone else - they gave your money away years ago."
In its simplest form it is a tax on earnings when it goes one way and when it goes the other way it is a government, socialist handout. Just another Washington plan to have us depend on them instead of depending on ourselves.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Now those folks I know pulling disability checks that can & do out work me physically all day long I have a problem with!
SS disability
<< <i>Anything as immoral as social security is bound to fail. >>
it will in due time
It's a little extra bingo money every month.
<< <i>it's no longer security.
It's a little extra bingo money every month. >>
Good one!
I understand the comment but that really is sorta like saying you want your tax money back. The Social Security fund was simply a tax, setup with a false future premise that the country would keep growing and expanding forever and nobody would figure out the sham that is Social Security...and it is a sham based on what it represents.
Sorry, but that money you paid in went towards aircraft carriers, our military, infrastructure, welfare payments, foreign aid, and on and on the list of government spending including government patronage jobs by the millions. You already benefited in some way from that tax you paid in, and even if you didn't benefit it doesn't matter. The money you paid in is now spent and gone...and even worse, liberal government keeps spending more money anyway, printing money, devaluing the currency, which will sooner if not certainly later, bring America to financial ruin. Those are the facts...we can accept the facts and do something about the problem, or we can live like we are in a fantasy Hollywood movie and believe somehow that it will all just have a happy ending.
I don't think anyone wants to disband Social Security, however it can only be continued in its present form under what we can afford to pay, and has nothing to do with what was paid in. If we don't want to acknowledge reality, and keep printing money to pay for these promised benefits, and all the other promised government benefits, then welcome to the Weimar Republic of America, and we all know what happened there. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp and other WW2 atrocity sites when I was over in Europe some years ago - it wasn't a was real...and it would be naive and dangerous to believe it couldn't happen again.
<< <i>I don't think anyone wants to disband Social Security, however it can only be continued in its present form under what we can afford to pay, and has nothing to do with what was paid in. >>
and that is what is happening already.
cuts to benefits.
and they will keep cutting.
but no one will want to disband it. (it's so vital! to people's lives.)
I guess eventually people will realize the minimal payments are nothing and start asking for their money back or suggest that payments could be stopped if diverted to some sort of self directed retirement investment (in US debt?).
Hmmmm..... would you take US debt in lieu of SS payments?
Scene from Animal House
<< <i>This Youtube video might sum up our relationship between us and the federal government regarding Social Security:
Scene from Animal House >>
Sad but true it seems
I knew it would happen.
The go-go lifestyles of the 1983-2007 period was partially paid for by Soc Security. So if you lived high off the hog and overspent all those years you received some advantage from
the system.