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Negro League autographs


  • Almost all of them are deceased, and there are a few HOF'ers on there. Some of those Negro Leaguers died pretty soon after those were signed. I've seen some of them individually sell for $50 or better on ebay. The only thing that is rough about them is that most of the sigs are so close together that you can't make cuts for the guys who are more rare. $300 might be a bit much for it.
  • autocutautocut Posts: 101 ✭✭
    Whatever you pay, its worth it. I have one in my PC

    Out of the hobby, but still love my signature cuts.

    2001 Fleer Genuine Elston Howard Material Issue Jersey
    2001 Leaf Certified Jackie Robinson Fabrics of the Game Jersey #32
  • Thanks !!!
    I'm bidding on it !!!
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