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91 Donruss Box break

Well this would be my first ever box break and man did I enjoy it.

The 91 Donruss has 26 Diamond Kings inserts which I was hoping to try get most of them but alas only have 16 of the 26 with about 6 duplicates. The other thing I really enjoyed about these packs is that they each contain 1 puzzle piece of a Willie Stargyle puzzle which I aslo thought was pretty cool, unfortunately I am 2 pieces short of completeing the puzzle, not sure if anyone has any of these lying around, i wudnt mind getting hold of the missing pieces. I was pretty happy with the overall of the cards, good print quality, good card stock, and decent inserts making it fun ripping thru the packs.

here are my pics image



Those were the big names I recognized, if anyone of those guys are scrubs just let me know...

pretty happy my 1st Ken Griffy, Barry Bond, Mark Mcguire, Clemens, Bo Jackson, Sanderberg, Cal Ripken, Samy Sosa and Nolan Ryan, not bad, im pretty happy with the results, gonna think about posting these off for autos...

Personally at 8$ a box I think this is a great product, considering the quality of cards and decent inserts...

wat you guys think



  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    nice to see collecting for the fun of it
  • Yeah this is fun, espeacilly finding cards of these guys like griff jr, bonds, mcguire ect, I dont own 1 single card of theirs..

    anyways here is the puzzle with the 2 pieces missing, I still have 10 unopened packs of this stuff, I will try see if I can find the last 2 pieces without opening all of the last 10 packs as I need to keep atleast 1 pack of this stuff sealed for my unsealed collection....

    Anyways here is my puzzle so far :


    peace & love

  • << <i>nice to see collecting for the fun of it >>

    If some one could explain to me how to make money off this hobby that would be excellent aswell image but for now, im just having fun....

  • I can remember opening those boxes. I would have been 13 or 14 at the time. If I remember correctly I think they were actually condition sensitive, no joke. I am sorry to say I dont think there is a whole to be made of most of the years 86 to 91. Unless you get into the traded sets, glossy, or Tiffany versions. However I have seen a few pops on some GEM 86's.

    Good to see your having fun!
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • Ok, I completely understand there is almost 0 to be made of these junk wax boxes for $8 but perhaps there is another product say $35 where I might be able to pull say a $100 GU card or auto cards that would be able to lt me recoup a portion of the box prices? Im not sure, i hear its a bit like gambling, I dont like gambling but I did use to be a professional Gambler, so if there is a way to say buy 100$ and maybe find a $500 card in there that would be a cool thing to try....

    The other ting I do not understand is that you say they were condition sensitive? What does that mean?

    And finally what does this mean? However I have seen a few pops on some GEM 86's. Sorry to be so ignorant...

    Thanks again

  • scmavlscmavl Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭
    Craig, glad you had fun on your first big break. I also enjoy opening boxes from those years, usually ones with a decent hit in them (did that set have a Jim Thome rookie?) so I may get a $10-30 card from a $9 box. If you really want to make money, open some older product ('70-79) as many of those cards in high grade go for quite a bit. But it's more of a gamble, as you may pay $100+ for a pack and get nothing. Or even if you get a good player, it could be dinged, off-center, etc which drastically reduces the value.

    Have fun!
    2.5 is pretty much my speed.
  • Yeah I have really enjoyed opening this box so far, unfortunately I have not come accross the Jim Thome card(as i think this is the set of rhis rookie), I have been looking for his name in every pack along with the 5-10 other names I know from this era, How would i distinguish between cheaper boxes that might supply a decent hit? Its kinda confusing....

    Anyways thanks again guys...
  • I know you had a shipping issue and all, but I would suggest 2 boxes of 89 Upper deck. You should be able to get a few Griffey's, Sheffield, Ryan, etc. Then grade a few. Even a PSA 10 Ryan is a $20 card or so. A Griffey 9 is around 50ish, and a PSA 10 cruiser is $200.

    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • Thanks for that info, I will look into, it, thats another thing I need, to get my 1st card graded... haha

    keep well guys

  • scmavlscmavl Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭
    Like Mike said, '89 Upper Deck is a great one to open. It's more expensive ($75 per box or so for the Low # Series, which has Griffey) but it's a fun break. I've opened 5 of them. But be warned, three of the boxes contained NO Griffeys, but one box had 3 and the other had one. All of my Griffeys are at PSA as we speak. Some other fun ones are: '82 Topps (Ripken RC), '83 Topps (Boggs, Gwynn, Sandberg RCs), '85 Topps (Puckett, McGwire, Clemens RCs). I personally like '89 Fleer (Griffey, R Johnson RCs and the Billy Ripken FF card). That was a big deal when I was 12 and I still buy boxes of it.

    For older stuff, I like '75 Topps cellos and '79 rack packs.
    2.5 is pretty much my speed.
  • dennis07dennis07 Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭
    Just curious - Is there much coverage of major league baseball in South Africa? Do you have a favorite team?
    If so, team sets might be a way for you to go for collecting and maybe selling on ebay.
    Did you develop your interest in baseball in S.A. or did you spend some time in the states.
    I've got a 3200 count box of mostly common 91 Donruss in the closet. This thread will make me go pull it out to see what's in there.
    Good luck with your future shipping adventures.
    Collecting 1970 Topps baseball
  • Just curious - Is there much coverage of major league baseball in South Africa? Do you have a favorite team? If so, team sets might be a way for you to go for collecting and maybe selling on ebay. Did you develop your interest in baseball in S.A. or did you spend some time in the states. I've got a 3200 count box of mostly common 91 Donruss in the closet. This thread will make me go pull it out to see what's in there. Good luck with your future shipping adventures.

    1- On the satelite dish we get a ESPN international channel which shows some things, I did watch a bit of the world series between I think the Rangers and Texans, i might be wrong, it was pretty cool, At the moment as far as baseball goes I would have absolutely no Idea who to support.... Personally I prefer NFL, I know allot more about the NFL, the players and the teams andf thier postions within their teams, and So I mainly try watch NFL but the games start at 3am here and I cant really watch that and then make it to work.... In the NFL i like the bears and PAts at the moment...

    2- I have spent 6 months in the states, unfortunately I dont think I partoke in 1 baseball conversation but there were Plenty of Pats fans up in VT where i was staying and I even hosted a Superbowl party at my motel..

    3- Out of Interest South Africa has the best baseball team in Africa, we just smash all the other countries like 17-0 and stuff but we get smashed when we come play against teh big teams like you and cuba and mexico. There are a couple baseball clubs near where I live, but Ive never seen a game, and barely understand the rules of it, although some friends I chat with in the USA have been explaining it a bit to me, So i understand a bit better these days...

    Out of interest I got into this whole card collection thing by complete FLUKE- My brother and me bought EA sports Madden 11 for the Xbox and after a few weeks we discovered there is a section of the game where you have to BUY packs with in-game coins and then collect the virtual-cards from the packs and use them in your team to play against other people teams from all over the world(you cannot imagine how addictive and fun this is- I have 1 of the best teams in the world)There are numbered inserts which were selling for $250 on the black market, anyways Madden 12 comes out in2 weeks and they have made it impossible to build a great team without spending real cash So I decided instead of buying virtual cards with my real cash I would rather buy a few real cards...

    Anyways thanks for the suggestion and help guys, I honestly cannot explain how much your help and suggestions do help me...


    Anyways thats how I kinda got here, and thats why I will know allot more about NFL
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