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EBAY Stores: Card Sellers Can Sync Inventory On Facebook


For folks who don't yet know:

Sellers at EBAY, Bonanza and Amazon can now send their entire
inventory to Facebook. Apps for other sites are in the works.

The EBAY app is compatible with the pending Shopping Cart; all
BINs will become "Immediate Payment Required" when the cart
rolls out. Buyers of multiple items can load their carts with multiple
items - from many sellers - but the items will not show as "sold"
until the cart is run-thru EBAY checkout.

If an item is purchased from the Facebook access, it will be poofed
from the EBAY store and the Facebook page.

The FB EBAY-app can be dowloaded here:


The item upload is fast, once it starts. There is a long que, so it is
prolly best to do the upload late at night.

As noted Amazon and Bonanza items can also be mirrored. Those
apps can also be accessed thru the addy above.


GOOG will not penalize the double listings because the GPS bots will
not index the facebook pages thru the normal protocol. I guess that
feed is simply turned off - maybe blocked - but the EBAY feed remains

Your purchases on FB will come from organic traffic, not from GOOG.


To play, you will need a fan or biznez page on FB. You cannot use
your personal page.

I have NO clue what kind of buyers are on FB, but I suspect there
are some. No charge to find out.

FB benefits from the scheme by holding its users captive on the site;
rather than having the users leave FB to go shopping.

Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.


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