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Another reason to like the Stone Mountain

In the late months of 1955, a mailman grasping five large bags greeted Belmont Davis the president of the United Daughters Association at the door. The contents of the five bags were 9000 Stone Mountain Commemorative Half Dollars. This was a donation from Bernard Baruch. For those that don’t know, Bernard Baruch was a very successful stock market speculator who used his success to later advise Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt in financial matters. Once word got out about this donation Mrs. Davis reportedly received offers as high as $10000 for the hoard. The Citizens & Southern Bank later individually sold these coins with the proceeds going toward the foundation. The original holders from this hoard are very valuable.


  • Billet7Billet7 Posts: 4,923 ✭✭✭
    Way cool. I suppose they were not part of the "stamped" stone mountains? Like this:

  • CameonutCameonut Posts: 7,287 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That UDA holder is pretty cool - first one I have ever seen.

    I have posted this before, but this thread seems like a natural place to post it again. This is a limited edition of 100 Stone Mountain commems with the medal and stamps issued for the dedication in 1970. The coins are in a flip that is stapled to tagboard and then inserted into the envelope - the holes in the envelope allow both the obverse and reverse to be seen. I picked this up a number of years ago at a local show in Michigan - haven't seen one since.

    “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson

    My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!

  • Musta been a strong mailman.

    9000 halves weighs about 260 lbs.

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