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Semi OT: How do I remove this tumbleweed from my 8X Lupe?

this is quite a dilemma and i can't figure out how this odd thing got into my imported German high-tech magnification device.....ok, it's just a couple pieces of plastic, but it was scary when i was using it just now and the thing started to crawl across the lens while i was viewing a card and suddenly i thought a giant bedbug was attacking Johnny Antonelli's face! image

there is no way to unscrew or remove the housing from the lens without potentially breaking it, and wouldn't that be a hoot, since i'm almost blind anyways and how the fire truck would i look at vintage cards then?

i miss the good ol' days when no one cared if there was a paper loss booger or a micro-pin-pwick-barely-touching-the-surface flaw. image
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