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Need advice with this situation plz...

So this is my 1st ebay purchase and it all seems to be going a bit sour, i really need some help and advice please.

I found this Guy selling this item on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...#ht_2121wt_952

I contacted him and asked if he would be willing to ship to South Africa. I got no response. I contacted him 3 days later asking the same question and if he could give an estimate of the cost of shipping to South Africa, Again i got no response.

I then contact a friend in the US and asked if i could ship them something and then they reship to me in South AFrica, they agreed, I entered their shipping information and purchased a few boxes of the product for $17 a box.(5boxes)

Here is the ebay reciept:

Expedited Shipping : US $49.95
USPS Priority Mail Medium Flat Rate Box®
Estimated delivery: July 26 - July 27-sais it was posted 21/07/2011

I pay the total and he sends me a message :
Dear 1acid85,

its going to cost more than that to ship the cards to you i will need you to send more money for the s/h

- ksmithcards

I reply asking how much and if its not possible he can go ahead and ship to my USA address, he doesnt get back to me and just ships to the USA address.

So now the 26/27 passes and my friend recieves no parcel and again today she still has not received it, so I messaged him asking him whats going on:

This next set of msgs read from bottom to top.. sorry

Dear 1acid85,

not sure if i have them i will check i went to the post office and paid for the shipping there i was asking them what it would be to ship all the way to south africa and they said it would cost alot

- ksmithcards

Dear ksmithcards,

Do you have a tracking number for the package? Maybe i can check where it is?

Thanks for the replys

- 1acid85

Dear 1acid85,

on the boxes it says box number 1 of 5 and so on and they all have a packing slip saying they are for you to be forward to south africa it takes time but they were sent out over a week ago

- ksmithcards

Dear ksmithcards,

Can you check with the tracking number? I am unsure of what to do? Is there anyway you can help me? What day did u send it on? Can you think of any reason why it would take a week longer than estimated?


- 1acid85

Dear 1acid85,


- ksmithcards

Dear ksmithcards,

Hi there, My item has still yet to arriev with my Friend in the USA, could you possibly check the tracking number and tell me what the situation is please.


- 1acid85
<<<-----------------This is the start of the msgs.

Am I being a bit paranoid or is this guy sounding a bit dodgy? Any advice on proceeding would be greatly aprecitaed, and like I say this is my 1st transaction and I am a very much a novice as far as cards and things are concereced although I have been trying to educate myself in the last few weeks, sorry about the spelling...



  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    International Medium Flat Rate to South Africa is $45.50, with an estimated 6-10 business days. So the amount sounds right. If he shipped it on the 21st, then I would give it until the end of this week to arrive. It's 6-10 business days. This is assuming he actually shipped it to your South Africa address, and not the U.S. address.
  • No well im sure he hasnt shipped it to South AFrica cause Ive payd meduim flat rate local for 5 boxes 10$ each, i would have preffered him to ship doirectly to me as it would have saved me 50$ but he has not shipped it to SA he has shipped it to my USA, MA address, this is why im worried, and by the looks of his communication IMO he is either not fluent in english, slightly retarded or a scammer... How long can I wait until i cant claim my money back with this buyer protection thing?

    Thanks for your response
  • dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭✭
    It's surprising sometimes how some sellers don't want to be inconvienced in having to send you the tracking info. I would sit tight til the end of the week. By next Monday, I would again ask for the tracking number and I would look into disputing this with ebay. As long as you used Paypal for payment, you will either receive your items or a full refund.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
  • dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>How long can I wait until i cant claim my money back with this buyer protection thing? >>

    If I was you, I would try to dispute the item with ebay now. Ebay will probably tell you it's too early, and then they will give you the date that you can dispute the item.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
  • I know this does not help answer your question for this deal, but in the future if you do not get answers to questions prior to buying it is best to find a different seller.

    I would wait till the end of the week and file a claim at that point if nothing shows up.
  • he has now responded when I told him he must give me the tracking number otherwise im fileing a complaint for a refund:

    i am trying and i will also go to the post office and ask them as you can see from my feedback i am a honest seller and you question me?? you have a feedback of 1 please allow time for them to get to you

    Then this without me responding at all:
    if they are not there by friday you will not need to file a claim i will grant you a full refund

    Should I hold on the complaint thing, I am almost finished filling it out...

    Thanks for the help

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Give it until Friday.
  • ok, something makes me think he only posted it now....

    Thanks for the help...

  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    You need to contact your friend in MA to physically check in with their Post Office to make sure the packages aren't there waiting for you. It's very possible the regular mail guy didn't feel like dragging 5 heavy flat rate boxes out for his route and just left a delivery notice instead. The notice can be easily missed or discarded and the boxes may be sitting in the PO waiting to be picked up.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭

    << <i>slightly retarded or a scammer.. >>

    my money is on him being slightly retarded.

    If it ends up with you not getting your boxes you have 45 days from the day the auction ended to file.

    I'm sure it will work out.

    Good for you.
  • Thanks, I think i will ask my friend to go check the post office, I hope its not too far for her, i understand the mailman not taking 5 boxes, i cant imgine he would in any country unless he had a van, 45 days is cool, I will wait till Friday

    Thanks for all the help
  • This seems like a lot of headache for a bunch of junk wax.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    THE item was removed by ebay? when i paste your linky
  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    Retarded? With 4477 feedback at 99.9% nearly all from selling since Apr 2010 I think not.
    The seller has an excellent reputation. I'm quite certain he shipped out your cards, and he awarded you your very first feedback.
    The seller's reputation is obvious.
    So the next obvious question is, how well do you know this person in MA, and do you trust him 100% to do what he's supposed to.
    Did you already send him the $227.50($45.50 x 5) to ship your cards?

    Link to Ebay item, 29 sold.
  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923

    << <i>This seems like a lot of headache for a bunch of junk wax. >>

  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,754 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This thread illustrates why I will no longer ship internationally.

    I have no idea even what's going on here...you shipped something to your friend in the US? The seller did? Or did he ship to South Africa? Sounds very convoluted, imo.

    For heavy bulk items like this it may take up to 2 weeks to arrive as he probably shipped parcel post. The shipping cost is worth more than the actual item.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.

  • << <i>Retarded? With 4477 feedback at 99.9% nearly all from selling since Apr 2010 I think not.
    The seller has an excellent reputation. I'm quite certain he shipped out your cards, and he awarded you your very first feedback.
    The seller's reputation is obvious.
    So the next obvious question is, how well do you know this person in MA, and do you trust him 100% to do what he's supposed to.
    Did you already send him the $227.50($45.50 x 5) to ship your cards?

    Link to Ebay item, 29 sold.
    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220802819419 >>

    yes I trust HER 100%, i have not sent her any money as of yet, she was going to go down to the post office and try find out if it might be cheaper to ship by weight, or for another cheap shipping method and i will pay her as soon as she requests the cash.


  • << <i>This thread illustrates why I will no longer ship internationally.

    I have no idea even what's going on here...you shipped something to your friend in the US? The seller did? Or did he ship to South Africa? Sounds very convoluted, imo.

    For heavy bulk items like this it may take up to 2 weeks to arrive as he probably shipped parcel post. The shipping cost is worth more than the actual item. >>

    i know, its retarded, I saw the item for 17$ and didnt think it would cost too much to ship to South Africa, is it that difficult that he cannot supply a international shipping rate even after 5 emails, anyways I then requested if he cannot ship to SA that he ship to my friend in USA, so basically its taken 2 weeks and nothing has arrived at my friend in the USA.

    I know its allot of trouble for junk wax, i dont know what i was thinking, the cost of shipping and reshipping is retarded...
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,754 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm surprised he even shipped to your friend in the US as I'm assuming that shipping address was not paypal confirmed and most sellers would not ship to an unconfirmed address from a buyer with zero FB.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • He has now replied with this:

    Dear 1acid85,

    if they are not there by friday you will not need to file a claim i will grant you a full refund

    - ksmithcards

  • I basically set my shipping address to my friends address in the USA before i bought the item and with my moms paypal going to South Africa, he didnt have much choice I wish he had just shipped to me... even at 45$ a box....
  • dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭✭
    He sounds legit to me. I wonder if he even used tracking. He may not have.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.

  • << <i>He sounds legit to me. I wonder if he even used tracking. He may not have. >>

    yeah but if he didnt i think hes scamming on the shipping... or he doesnt wanna show me the tracking number 4 sum reason....
  • dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭✭
    Medium flat rate boxes have a $10 fixed price. If you do your shipping label online, then the tracking would be free. I don't know if it is free at the post office. So as long as he actually used medium flat rate boxes, he doesn't appear to be scamming you. However, these flat rate boxes are sent priority mail and should arrive very quickly. When you do receive the items, I would make sure to see how he shipped them. I wouldn't be surprised if everything is in one box, and he didn't spend close to $50 for shipping.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
  • Thanks Don, BTW your URL doesnt work, i wanna check your stuff out, thanks for all the help
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