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Question from a card guy: Hawaiian Hilo Dollar (pics)

jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,949 ✭✭✭✭
Often we see coin guys jumping the fence to ask us card guys a question about some cards they found in the bottom of their closet... so I guess this is my turn to hop the fence. Please excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject.

Going through some of my grandfather's old items I came across this coin. Normally I can do a little ebay or Google research and come up with enough info to be dangerous, but I'm a little confused with this one. From what I can tell, this is a Hawaiian coin from the mid-1970s, but I'm not even convinced that it's a real coin. I found THIS WEBSITE that has some pictures and info on coins like this one, but the coins they show have serial numbers stamped into them.

Is this coin a reproduction? Gimmick? Original?

I'm not expecting this to be worth more than $5, I just would like to know what this is. I'm sorry if this is like the equivalent of asking if my old box of 1988 Topps baseball cards are worth anything. Thank you for your help!



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