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Bill Me Later and eBay

I know this topic has been brought up before, PayPal / Bill Me Later is offering $15 eBay bucks + $10 cashback the first time you use Bill Me Later on eBay and right now no interest until Feb 2012.

I decided to try it and was wondering if anyone else has used this multiple times on eBay before? My big question is do you have to confirm your date of birth and last 4 of your social everytime? It made me do this on both purchases I just made to try it out.

EDIT: Dang it something is wrong with it. It is posting $15 eBay Bucks bonus x2 for each of the small purchases which makes me think something isn't right. Probably just dinged my credit report twice.

EDIT #2: Figured out how I was suppose to link my Paypal account to Bill Me Later. So 3 purchases for around $8 to $12 each with each one loading $15 in eBay bucks into my account. If I knew for sure that wasn't dinging my credit report each time I would be up for doing this a couple hundred times.



  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    No one uses this junk? Ended up getting approved for a $5000 credit limit which is kind of scary. Also my 3 small purchases were not put on no interest financing and customer service had to manually fix it. I asked them what I did wrong since there is nothing that I saw to check or uncheck to get the no interest offer and they didn't really give me a good answer.
  • I've used it. I don't have to put in my last 4 each time I use it. I think because it is linked to my paypal account. Be careful with the no interest until deal. You can only make payments that count towards your balance on the last two months before the date you are scheduled to have interest charged. That's how they are able to do it.

    They count on people maxing out and then not being able to basically make one lump sum payment. If you can budget well, it's great to use.
  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    Ended up getting approved for a $5000 credit limit which is kind of scary.

    Don't worry. If you don't pay I'm sure they'll have a way to screw over the seller to recoup the funds.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Isnt the interest rate outrageous? I have no interest in these promotions and wish they would stop offering it to me every freaking time I make a purchase. Where is the OPT OUT??? grrr
  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    Like a 20% interest rate. I can't get a straight answer from them about getting the current offer that pops up on PayPal about no Interest no payment until Feb 2012. Says I must select this option when I go to pay with it, yet the dang option doesn't pop up anywhere on eBay or Paypal checkout. The few little test purchases I made did not go under the financing like I thought they would and CS is debating whether to manually fix it.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    Then SOME of the purchases may not qualify for the no payment interest option so it will ask you for payments, even though they said "none until XXX" be wary, but leveraging is good!
  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    Well to follow up my 3 little purchases totaling about $32 netted me $15 eBay bucks X3 and $10 back from Bill Me Later and the CSR I just spoke to confirmed that they are now on the no interest financing and confirmed for me per the terms of what they are advertising on PayPal any other purchases I make between now and 7/31 will be also no interest til Feb 2012.

    Also getting an additional 5% in eBay Bucks on any purchases with Bill Me Later now until the end of the month. Sucks that the $15 for each purchase went away, I might have been able to get away with buying a couple hundred $1 items and getting $15 back on each one. Now at least if I make a bigger legit purchase 5% extra back is pretty damn good.
  • ArchaninatorArchaninator Posts: 827 ✭✭✭
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