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Ebay Star Dingers - Is there anyway to find out who they are?

I have some star dingers leaving 1's and 2's, yet leaving glowing feedback. I would like to block them from buying anything else from me. I know how to run the reports and see the numbers (I choose by date), but I have a question. Are the dates you use in relation to the dates that the buyer left the feedback?


  • al032184al032184 Posts: 1,146 ✭✭✭
    In which categories did they get you?
  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭
    Shipping and Handling.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    FB must be left at the same time as DSRs are given.

    You can get a pretty good idea of whodunit by running a report,
    but it is NOT absolutely foolproof. The more FB you have in a
    report period, the more uncertain the conclusion may be.

    If you have a "friendly" relationship with one of the CS-monkeys,
    they can hint you in the right direction; they may even tell you
    who did it, if they like you.


    If you are doing BINs, you can get rid of those stars by using
    "free" shipping AND "1-day handling." You must enter the DC
    numbers manually OR use PP-shipping to qualify for automatic

    That leaves the "as described" and "communication" as the
    only stars the maroooons and evil-ones can ding.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭
    Storm, does the date range you use concern the date the feedback was left, the date the item was sold, or the date the paypal payment was made????
  • msassinmsassin Posts: 1,564 ✭✭✭
    Pretty sure the date range is when the feedback was left.

  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    #1 Try reporting it for feedback abuse to get it removed because it's against Ebay rules to leave 1's and 2's hidden under glowing feedback. Ebay expects 1's and 2's to result in a neutral or negative experience.

    #2 Run the report by item numbers not date. To get item numbers look at your most recent feedback. If you're handy with Excel you can extract items numbers easily. Run a report on about 20-30 and check your ratings. If the list comes up clean, save the list, and then add 20-30 more to the original list. If it then shows 1's and 2's then you'll know the 1's and 2's are in the second list of numbers. Run the first group along with half the second group to see which half the 1's and 2's are in. Then run the first group with splitting of the smaller and smaller group to find exact who left you the 1's and 2's. Keep the list of clean numbers for use in the future when you spot somebody nailed your DSR's. If you monitor it daily just add a few recent feedbacks to find who got you.

    #3 Look at the particulars of why the person did what they did. Might be cause for blocking, might be a legit issue. It's against Ebay rules to contact the person about why they did what they did, so if you're going to block just block with no fanfare.
  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    duplicate post
  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭

    You think it is possible that buyers thought they were giving you 5-stars, but just clicked the wrong stars, quickly without paying attention image

  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭

    << <i>You think it is possible that buyers thought they were giving you 5-stars, but just clicked the wrong stars, quickly without paying attention >>

    No. It is either a customer upset because he had to pay for shipping and thinks it should be free, or a competitor maliciously trying to hurt me.

    KB - Thank you SO MUCH for showing me that!!!! I didn't realize you could filter by item numbers. That should make it 1,000 times easier instead of just using dates!
  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭
    Thank you KB!!! I figured out it was a seller with over 20,000 feedbacks!!! I guess he is trying to hurt the competition because he sells as well....
  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    One way to find out is keep calling the support # for Top Rated Sellers/ Power Sellers if you are one. Act like you know who it is and the dumba$$ rep will outright tell you. Last time that happen to me I stated I messaged everyone since no one complained and they all left me positive feedback and everyone states they gave me good star ratings so WTF is up? The rep came out and told me well so and so did it.

    Good luck getting them removed. Really the only way is to find out who did it, get them to confirm via eBay messaging that it was a mistake (hopefully it was if not you are SOL) and then call eBay back, demand they remove the DSR rating and they will have to also remove the feedback rating but who cares. If they tell you it isn't possible I will PM you my username to reference as someone who they did it for and that I know for a fact they do this more often than they want to let you believe.
  • thunderdanthunderdan Posts: 3,036 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Thank you KB!!! I figured out it was a seller with over 20,000 feedbacks!!! I guess he is trying to hurt the competition because he sells as well.... >>

    Kick a$$ and take names, Bobby.

  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Kick a$$ and take names, Bobby >>

    I'm not going to do all that, BUT I am a BUYER as well as a seller too. I have never left anything but 5's for people, but I guess there is a first for everything......
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    If you buy something from him and mess with his FB/DSRs,
    you will likely be suspended or NARUd.


    You can complain to T&S.

    He is an unwelcome bidder and a competitor who intentionally
    damaged your stars in order to gain a biznez advantage over
    you. T&S might give you some relief.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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