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Small Article on Paypal Challenges

Don't know if this was posted, but thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone wanted to read.


Clark Howard Article


  • thedutymonthedutymon Posts: 4,323

    None of the proposed scenarios in anyway touches on the E-Bay/Paypal RICO stranglehold they have on all funds generated by the Selling of YOUR Products, using their venue!!

    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    It's got large shades of the Euro model, but it still seems to
    lack the kind of OVERBOARD recourse that buyers get with
    PayPal, GOOG, AMZN, and credit cards.

    "Unauthorized Use" will likely be the only claim that consumers
    can make. That works pretty well in Europe, because there is
    some form of "mandatory refund" statute in much of Europe.

    The clearXchange service will offer less opportunity for American
    consumers to STEAL from merchants; thus, it will not be a hit
    with retail buyers.

    Obviously, clearXchange will not be quickly allowed on EBAY. Tho,
    with WFC involved with cXc, there is a chance that EBAY's relationship
    with WFC might get cXc in the door, eventually.


    Clark Howard is helpful to some folks who are totally unsophisticated
    in financial matters, but his understanding of EBAY and PayPal issues is
    about ZERO.

    Time and again I hear him get it wrong. It's as tho he has never even
    read the UAs at EBAY/PP.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Storm PM sent
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