It would be a lot cooler if he had this really printed and took the time to make a back. Just printing it off on his inkjet is kind of lame. Escepcially if want that kind of money for it!
What gets me is the fugifilm logo on the back (WITH AUTOGRAPH!). That means that he merely sent it to Wal-Mart or Walgreens/etc. after photoshopping her face on there. I think that one of the very talented card designers on this forum should re-create it with actual statistics on the back and maybe beat it up a little bit to make it look older. Then he could sell it for $75 and really get the guy goat LMAO!
<< <i>Perhaps the most stupid thing I've ever seen...If he paid me $149, I wouldn't take it. >>
I hate to agree with a Phillies fan but it is the most stupid thing I have seen as well. although if he paid me $149 I would take it.
I would be as certain as possible that this seller did not have permission by the estate to produce and sell this grotesque card.