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Junk Wax I

So decided to purchase some boxes of 1989 Pro Set II football, this was my first real set that I ever collected and I am thinking about possibly starting the set again. I also picked up some 1990 Pro Set's Series I & II. I'll be going through the 1990s for errors/variations and then will be looking forward to discovering various ways to send the rest to the Junk Wax final resting place.

I am actually really looking forward to my contribution to reducing the # of junk wax out there!!

Final tally: (4) 1989 Pro Set II, (5) 1990 Pro Set I, (3) 1990 Pro Set II


  • RookieWaxRookieWax Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭
    Those 1989 Pro Set II boxes are about the best bargain and most enjoyable to open out of all the late 1980s and early 1990s era product. What adds to the fun is that the collation is wildly unpredictable. I have opened boxes and pulled 6 Barry Sanders out of 1 box on more than one occasion. The star and rookie power in those boxes is really strong and the centering and solid red borders still make it a fun challenge to pull a PSA 10 caliber card. Have fun!
  • thehallmarkthehallmark Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭
    Please turn on your PMs.
  • dmurphy3mvpdmurphy3mvp Posts: 264 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am actually really looking forward to my contribution to reducing the # of junk wax out there!! >>

    You keep breaking the junk wax, I'll keep finding more of it! Steve actually said we're running low on a lot of different products, which I didn't think was even possible.

    Reed Kasaoka
    Buyer, Baseball Card Exchange

    cell: (808) 372-1974
    email: ReedBBCE@gmail.com
    website: www.bbce.com
    eBay stores: bbcexchange, bbcexchange2, bbcexchange3, bbcexchange4

  • PowderedH2OPowderedH2O Posts: 2,443 ✭✭
    1989 Pro Set: Probably worthless... but I still love it.
    Successful dealings with shootybabitt, LarryP, Doctor K, thedutymon, billsgridirongreats, fattymacs, shagrotn77, pclpads, JMDVM, gumbyfan, itzagoner, rexvos, al032184, gregm13, californiacards3, mccardguy1, BigDaddyBowman, bigreddog, bobbyw8469, burke23, detroitfan2, drewsef, jeff8877, markmac, Goldlabels, swartz1, blee1, EarlsWorld, gseaman25, kcballboy, jimrad, leadoff4, weinhold, Mphilking, milbroco, msassin, meteoriteguy, rbeaton and gameusedhoop.

  • << <i>So decided to purchase some boxes of 1989 Pro Set II football, this was my first real set that I ever collected and I am thinking about possibly starting the set again. I also picked up some 1990 Pro Set's Series I & II. I'll be going through the 1990s for errors/variations and then will be looking forward to discovering various ways to send the rest to the Junk Wax final resting place.

    I am actually really looking forward to my contribution to reducing the # of junk wax out there!!

    Final tally: (4) 1989 Pro Set II, (5) 1990 Pro Set I, (3) 1990 Pro Set II >>

    1. Good luck, especially on the 1990 stuff. It's loaded with potential for some very cool, very valuable variations.

    2. Please check out my blog (in my sig) for a ton of 1990 (and some 1989, 1991) Pro Set variation info.

    3. PM DJ

    << <i>1989 Pro Set: Probably worthless... but I still love it. >>

    Tell that to the scarce versions of Gizmo Williams, Jim McMahon, Gerald Riggs and Earnest Byner's cards. Always glad to see some Pro Set love!


    4. Congratulations on taking your first step into the awesome world that is Pro Set! I hope you have as much fun opening the stuff as I do.
    My Error & Variation Blog

    Collecting Robin Ventura and Matt Luke.
  • I officially ripped the 4 boxes of 1989 Pro Set. Going through these I still think it is very disappointing that they were so overproduced. The quality of the stock, photography, and overall quality of card is decent in my opinion. These and 1990 Action Packed were my favorite cards back when.

    I have sorted through the announcers and 1-299 so far. Surprisingly, not too many significant miscuts. Unfortunately, no real errors/variations as of yet but I have a handful of submittables, just need to decide if I'm actually going to go that route.

    I'm also thinking of some ideas on how to lay the others to rest, that may be even more fun.

  • thehallmarkthehallmark Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭
    PM sent!
  • RookieWaxRookieWax Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭

    << <i>You keep breaking the junk wax, I'll keep finding more of it! Steve actually said we're running low on a lot of different products, which I didn't think was even possible. >>

    Reed, I really enjoyed it when Steve would update his website blog with highlights from each stop of a buying road trip. It hasn't been updated though in about a year. It would be great if you guys could continue that again, starting with perhaps a few highlights from your most recent trip?
  • I agree the updates of traveling America for cardboard are missed greatly!!!!
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • Through the 4 boxes of 89 Pro Set II ended up with 27 submittables. Tossed together some of the typical generic sets for ebay and the others:

    Went with diamond cut shredding

    Going to see Norm MacDonald tonight so my ripping will be postponed a bit, but will be moving on to some 90 Series I...

    DJ- got your message and will be in touch.

  • << <i>

    << <i>You keep breaking the junk wax, I'll keep finding more of it! Steve actually said we're running low on a lot of different products, which I didn't think was even possible. >>

    Reed, I really enjoyed it when Steve would update his website blog with highlights from each stop of a buying road trip. It hasn't been updated though in about a year. It would be great if you guys could continue that again, starting with perhaps a few highlights from your most recent trip? >>

    Reed is doing a good job maintaining BBCEs Facebook page with updates on road trips and the like
    Big Fan of: HOF Post War RC, Graded RCs
    WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
  • Well I was able to get through 2 boxes of 1990 series I this weekend and didn't find any err/var, which was disappointing. So I think I'm going to save up the unwanteds from the 1990 boxes for a little and have a nice bonfire!

    I was at a buddies on Saturday night and his 4 yo son was hanging out with us and I remembered I had a box in the car. So I grabbed it and gave them to him, his first sports cards. Obviously he had no idea who any of the players were but he loved playing with them. At one point he went through and decided to hand me each card one by one...all 300ish. My friends and I had fun remembering the older guys too. With a few beers it was a pretty fun night.
  • dmurphy3mvpdmurphy3mvp Posts: 264 ✭✭✭
    Steve wears a lot of hats as the owner of BBCE. Not only does he travel to buy product, but when he's in the office he answers phones/emails, updates the website as new inventory comes in, authenticates packs for PSA, reviews vintage cards to submit for grading, and oversees three in-house employees who get more done than you could possibly imagine. This also doesn't include his administrative duties as a small business owner, which as anyone who owns a business will tell you, is a lot of mind-numbing work. Where he finds the time to do all of this and raise a family is astonishing. I can see why updating his blog became less frequent.

    That's why Steve decided to hire me. I've been able to take some of the travel off of Steve's plate so he can focus on the rest of what the business needs him for, and actually allows us to view more collections in person than ever before. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on what's going on with our company, reports from the road on all the cool stuff we get to see and buy, etc. Follow us on Facebook Baseball Card Exchange, which I think I do a reasonably good job of updating regularly. We almost have 100 followers!

    Reed Kasaoka
    Buyer, Baseball Card Exchange

    cell: (808) 372-1974
    email: ReedBBCE@gmail.com
    website: www.bbce.com
    eBay stores: bbcexchange, bbcexchange2, bbcexchange3, bbcexchange4

  • I have gone through 2 1990 Series I w/ Super Bowl on bottom of box and have finally found some error/variations...woohoo!! Nothing outstanding but it's a start. BTW, thank you Jacksoncoupage for the list!

    Chris Doleman
    Mervyn Fernandez
    Franco Harris
    I'm sure everyone knows but "Ken Stills" is on top


    I also have a Lomas Brown "partial blotch" and 2 Steve Beuerlein "black line through NFLPA" but I don't have a scanner so I couldn't get a good image of them, although I would like too.

  • So looking through some more cards I found this...

    A red line in the top right corner of the photo

    I have not found this on any of the lists online. I also have 2 that do not have the line. Have any other Pro Set variation collectors seen this?
  • Many people on this message board confuse me. Why do you buy "Junk Wax"? They are junk. I know I opened up too many packs from 1988-1994.

    Why not just buy the cards you want and save money?

    Why do people spend so much money on older packs? The chances of pulling the 1975 Brett or Yount are not good. It's just cheaper to buy the cards.

    I'll never get this part of the hobby. I will probably never open another pack in my life, it's just a bad investment.

    BTW, I hope everyone continues to have a blast rippen.


    PS- I hope no one is offended.
  • There are a couple of reasons

    1) It is possible; as the OP said; that your first introduction to cards and opening packs was from this era. Thus, opening those packs returns you to your younger days; albeit with more knowledge. But the thrill of seeing cards you loved as a 8-9-10-11 year old, .... is a really neat thing

    2) It's FUN with all caps to oepn packs. Who knows what you will get in the packs; it's cheap gambling with almost no downside risk. I just acquired a small collection of junk wax packs last night and it was a blast to open the packs from the late 80;s-early 90's. No harm to cards were done in the opening of those packs.

    3) And Remember Junk wax is different from the opening of older packs. There your odds are real bad of winning -0- so I'll agree with that part of the post.

    Plano, Tx. Card Show #5, Sunday March 6, 2016 at Adat Chaverim (Northeast Corner Independence and Spring Creek) in Plano Tx 9Am to 4 PM. See you there!
  • RookieWaxRookieWax Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭
    I agree that wax boxes from the late 1980s and early 1990s will always be fun to open and could not possibly go any lower in value. The main reason is that, unlike vintage packs, the unopened prices for a lot of these boxes are at least in line with the value of what might be inside, and in many cases the unopened value is lower than the value of the cards inside. So when you combine this with the thrill of opening 20 year old packs with stars and rookies you remember or have heard about from the past, opening certain "junk wax" will hold its appeal.

  • << <i>So looking through some more cards I found this...

    A red line in the top right corner of the photo

    I have not found this on any of the lists online. I also have 2 that do not have the line. Have any other Pro Set variation collectors seen this? >>

    First I have seen this mentioned. I've personally never looked over my Hendricks cards but definitely will once I have access to my inventory again. Great find!
    My Error & Variation Blog

    Collecting Robin Ventura and Matt Luke.
  • minnesotahuskerminnesotahusker Posts: 642 ✭✭✭
    What number is the Ted Hendricks?
  • The Hendricks card is #26
  • I picked up another box of 1990 Series I (gold border only) recently and there were a few variations in there. Still have 2 boxes of 1990 Series I (gold border only) and 1 box of 1990 Series II to go. I am also keeping an eye out for Seau, Smith and Kennedy in these Series II boxes.

    I wonder if Richmond Webb will ever get any HOF consideration...

    As for some of the variations I've found in last two boxes:
    #26 Hendricks red line
    #110 Johnny Holland no name
    #134 Andre Rison "clipped off" card number
    #449 Hampton DE back
    #492 David Treadwell "4C"
    #607 Wes Hopkins Stat Category colors, I think I have them all but not quite sure
    #697 Reggie Rembert "clipped off" name
    #719 Mike Bellamy "clipped off" name
  • Ripped through one of the Series I boxes and found a Marion w/belt...WOO-HOO!! That was about it in that box which I found strange. I figured that would have been an early printing and would have other earlier errors/variations but no such luck.

  • << <i>Ripped through one of the Series I boxes and found a Marion w/belt...WOO-HOO!! That was about it in that box which I found strange. I figured that would have been an early printing and would have other earlier errors/variations but no such luck. >>

    Yeah, they were definitely not exclusive to "early" (or late) printings. The distribution of both errors and corrections in 1990 Pro Set series one is ambiguous.
    My Error & Variation Blog

    Collecting Robin Ventura and Matt Luke.

  • << <i>Ripped through one of the Series I boxes and found a Marion w/belt...WOO-HOO!! That was about it in that box which I found strange. I figured that would have been an early printing and would have other earlier errors/variations but no such luck. >>

    Yeah, they were definitely not exclusive to "early" (or late) printings. The distribution of both errors and corrections in 1990 Pro Set series one is ambiguous.
    My Error & Variation Blog

    Collecting Robin Ventura and Matt Luke.
  • After a day at the beach figured I'd clean up the yard a little and that gave me the the opportunity to also get rid of some JUNK WAX!!...yippee. I had to rig together a little burn pit with some spare bricks...unfortunately the cards did not burn as well as I thought they would. The mix was a little bit of 1989/90 Pro Set and 1990 Action Packed. The action packed burned horribly but they served as a great sacrifice to the Junk Wax Gods in the sky.

    The best part was my lady joined me throwing cards in the flaming inferno and I could see the enjoyment in her eyes watching the cards that drew my attention away from her for a couple nights burn...

  • RookieWaxRookieWax Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭
    You just made MY Pro Set cards a bit more rare. Thanks. LOL
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