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Guess this 1952 Topps Mantle reprint

Topps Chewing Gum company issued it in 1991.



  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    The rare Gloria Rothstein card.
  • image

    Very good. Just found this one today. Didn't know it had any value.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,601 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The front is worth around $500,000...the back is worth around 10 cents. image
  • KbKardsKbKards Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭
    The "original" cards Topps reprinted for the show had blue printing on the reverse. If the one you bought has black printing then it's one scammers make copies of themselves. It's nuts when you can't even buy reprints on Ebay without getting ripped off.
  • That's just my scanner messing up. The back of my card is blue.
  • I'm actually interested in buying a '52 Mantle reprint; since I'm not likely to own the real thing, at least anytime soon. Anyone have any idea of a reprint of this card that is most accurate in terms of color and design. I see some on the bay, but none that interest me.
  • I'll send you the one I posted plus the 1951 Bowman reprint for $10.00 shipped if you're interested.
  • Thanks, but I'm looking to get one with original back.
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