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James Ross Snowden's 1860 Description of 1858 Cent Patterns

RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
From A Description Of Ancient and Modern Coins, In the Cabinet Collection at the Mint of the United States (pages 120-121):

In 1858, a new device was contemplated for the nickel cent, and several varieties of that cent were coined. Of these there were three different obverses. 1st. The obverse of the legal cents of 1857-8. 2d. A small eagle volant, presented in a different position from that on the legal cent. 3d. An Indian head, with a falling crown of feathers, (afterward adopted.)

These obverses were combined with four different reverses in such a manner as to produce eleven different varieties. These were as follows: 1st. A wreath of cereals within which is inscribed "ONE CENT." This was the same as the legal cent of 1858. 2d. An oak wreath inclosing the inscription, "ONE CENT," above which is a small shield, bearing the arms of the United States. The objection of this was that the shield had the appearance of a harp. 3d. Same as the preceding, with the shield omitted. 4th. A wreath of laurel, within which is inscribed "ONE CENT," (afterward adopted, in combination with the Indian head above.)

The large, or authorized eagle, was combined with the three last-named reverses; while the other two obverses were combined with the four reverses, making eleven in all.


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