so i lost my payal case...unauthorized use of credit card was claimed 6 months after item was delivered... am out the 47.00, the item i sent.. and now paypal charged me 20.00 also to fight this claim.....get me some xanax quick !!!!
always looking for 1969 graded basketball
<< <i>so i lost my payal case...unauthorized use of credit card was claimed 6 months after item was delivered... am out the 47.00, the item i sent.. and now paypal charged me 20.00 also to fight this claim.....get me some xanax quick !!!! >>
I hear you and that flat out just sucks.Paypal and ebay both make it so easy for sellers to get screwed anymore.Been there done that years ago and haven't been back since and won't be either.The only thing you could do is get the law involved, but it would probably cost you more than what's it worth.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums
Because the way it looks to me is that someone got a hold of your credit card and purchased
something and the item was shipped to an unconfirmed address. That to me would be unauthorized use.
What am I missing?
<< <i>Can someone please explain the Unauthorized use of CC to me?
Because the way it looks to me is that someone got a hold of your credit card and purchased
something and the item was shipped to an unconfirmed address. That to me would be unauthorized use.
What am I missing? >>
Yes, it's a BS claim. Even if the item was purchased fraudulently, if it were sent to a confirmed PP address, it should be available for return.
If I understand the problem, you would have been covered by
PayPal "Seller Protection" IF you could have "proven" delivery
with the DC ticket.
I have been telling folks for YEARS:
"Keep ALL USPS and EBAY/PP Records, FOREVER!"
While it is widely believed that there is a time limit on CC chargebacks,
in modern practice, there is virtually NO time limit.
CRIMINALS can steal from you YEARS after the transaction, by simply
claiming "unauthorized use" of their credit card.
In practice, the CC companies have - because of competition for suckers/
customers - largely adopted the legal notion that the clock starts ticking
from the time the "unauthorized use" is discovered --- not when the UAU
allegedly occurred.
"Keep ALL USPS and EBAY/PP Records, FOREVER!"
I would also file with the San Jose BBB, but you cannot prevail
because you did not abide by the TOS.
In any PP UAU-claim, you must "prove delivery" or you will lose.
(FB is NEVER dispositive "proof" of anything. MANY buyers are
total maroooons and routinely leave FB for the wrong sellers.)
Entering DC numbers on EBAY/PP may preserve the info for
a good while, but you still need to hold onto the paper records
until the end of the world.
Edit to add: Regarding keeping records, this situation is also a good reason to use Stamps.com as all DC info is retained for a couple of years at least.
I just don't understand how it's legal or permissible for a chargeback to occur years after the transaction date.
Storm, isn't there also a time limit as to how long the PO will keep DC info on file in their system?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Taking your $20 to fight a $27 claim?
jimq question.
I am not sure how long they keep it.
You can do a screen capture AND keep the hard copy on which you
contemporaneously write delivery info on the back. IF the USPS info
is deleted, the capture and the DC ticket would have to be considered
best evidence. (Tho, when dealing with a RICO-Enterprise, you can
never be sure what they will decide to do.)
Folks need to disabuse themselves of the FALSE notion that UAU's
have a "time limit." It just ain't so; notwithstanding what the lingo
in the CC UA says.
The most famous EBAY UAU claim was made about three-years
after the sale. It involved HUNDREDS-Of-THOUSANDS-OF-DOLLARS
and affected HUNDREDS of EBAY sellers. (The FBI unwound that one,
but MANY sellers who either did not fight or had lost the DC info were
out the money.)
<< <i>I'd be pissed about the $20 to "fight" the CC company.
Taking your $20 to fight a $27 claim? >>
You only pay the $20 if you lose the claim.
The seller would likely have prevailed, if he had kept his DC info.
<< <i>If I understand the problem, you would have been covered by
PayPal "Seller Protection" IF you could have "proven" delivery
with the DC ticket.
I have been telling folks for YEARS:
"Keep ALL USPS and EBAY/PP Records, FOREVER!"
While it is widely believed that there is a time limit on CC chargebacks,
in modern practice, there is virtually NO time limit.
CRIMINALS can steal from you YEARS after the transaction, by simply
claiming "unauthorized use" of their credit card.
In practice, the CC companies have - because of competition for suckers/
customers - largely adopted the legal notion that the clock starts ticking
from the time the "unauthorized use" is discovered --- not when the UAU
allegedly occurred.
"Keep ALL USPS and EBAY/PP Records, FOREVER!" >>
Frankly, from what I know, it isn't nearly that easy to win a credit card claim...come on now...the whole credit card system would quickly collapse if it was that easy to file and win a credit card claim such as that. I've been in the business world a number of years, and don't see that happening on a rampant basis at all.
PayPal is a different story, but I agree, the DC would have ended it quickly. And PayPal has a 45 day window to file a claim...I guess perhaps there may be some exceptions to that.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
PayPal is a different story, but I agree, the DC would have ended it quickly. And PayPal has a 45 day window to file a claim...I guess perhaps there may be some exceptions to that.
It is "easy" to win - either as an honest merchant OR a crooked customer - if
you know what you are doing.
There are HUNDREDS of scams that can be run w/o "collapsing" the credit
card system. The CC cos just pay - or burn the merchant - and pass on
the costs to other merchants/consumers.
In my B&M experience, the vast majority of claims are bogus. MOST are
decided for the claimant OR result in "one time courtesy refunds" for the
claimant; usually, such decisions do not impact the merchant. Crooked
merchants eventually get caught, but most only run the scam in concert
with crooked customers a few times and then stop. The "penalties" are
nil; the CC cos don't want folks to know how easy it is to steal. Even
when they know the customer/merchant is a crook, they seldom act.
The difference with PP in the mix is that THEY are the "merchant of record,"
as far as the CC co is concerned. This makes it all but impossible for an
EBAY seller to successfully "fight" a UAU claim --- all the seller can really do
is abide by the PP TOS and benefit from PP's "Seller Protection" scheme.
(The entry fee in that lottery is a DC ticket.)
<< <i>My wife had an issue with a CC charge for goods never received a year or so ago and because she tried to work it out with the seller and waited about six months she was told by the CC on multiple occasions that she could not file a chargeback because too much time had passed. So not all CC companies are going to let you pull stunts like these, FWIW. >>
The perceived "deadline" on an INR claim or a SNAD claim is
totally different than the actual deadline on a UAU claim.
The CC cos know that the courts will run the clock from the
time the fraud is allegedly "discovered." This has resulted in
the creation of an EZ scam.
Edit to add: even the OP in this case I recall sold something other than cards in this case.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>Storm, I think these fraud claims may be more common outside the collectibles arena or at least very rare because I really haven't encountered or heard of any chronic problems like these at least in coins and cards. If not, far fewer people would still be selling collectibles on ebay.
Edit to add: even the OP in this case I recall sold something other than cards in this case. >>
As angry as collectible sellers here get with their bad EBAY buyers,
they have no clue how bad it really is --- outside of the collectibles
Fashion and electronics are FILLED with bad "buyers." FILLED to
the brim.
I only sell in fashion regularly and if I was a complainer/explainer,
I could fill ten message boards with tales of woe.
Every Monday, I get at least one message from a new witch wanting to
know "can you get it to me by Friday?"
Experience has shown me that question means:
I will be using the rag over the weekend and will be filing a bogus SNAD
claim on Monday. Unless I can convince EBAY/PP that the rag is counterfeit -
in which case they will let me keep it and give me a refund - I will be sending
the rag back to you with minimal cigarette burns, puke remnants, and lots
of witch sweat stains.
Collectible sellers have no idea how good they actually have it on EBAY.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.